Chapter Seven: Tarkin's Notice/ Conversing About Kayli

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Wilhuff Tarkin, the Grand Moff overseeing several Priority Sectors, seethed quietly in his office on Coruscant. He had just received word of the bombing of his private estate on Eriadu, his homeworld, by a small group of ships known as 'Phoenix Squadron'.

It wasn't far short of amazing that the Rebels had the audacity to attack the home of a Grand Moff, in particular one of his standing in the hierarchy of the Galactic Empire. If not for his rigid self-control, he probably would have lashed out at something by now. This bombing was a huge offence.

He stood up, proceeding to pace his office on the small section of the Death Star that had been completely finished, trying to find a solution to this problem.

Phoenix Squadron had a habit of striking hard and fast at their targets and disappearing before the Imperial forces could apprehend them. They were one of the best equipped of the Rebel cells spread across the galaxy, and if something wasn't done about them soon, then there was a possibility that they would have a shot at successfully ambushing him.

Considering his importance to the Empire and his own sense of self-preservation, Tarkin didn't want that to happen.

He briefly pondered asking Vader to send one of his so-called Inquisitors to find them, but decided against it. The Emperor's second-in-command thought far too highly of his assassins, and Tarkin just hadn't seen much come out of his efforts to train them.

Suddenly, a small, sinister smile came to his thin lips. He tapped something in on a datapad that lay on a table nearby, informing his underlings that he wished for a certain notice to be posted on the HoloNet on his behalf. This particular approach for the capture of Phoenix Squadron was next to foolproof, and he knew it.

He sat down at his desk again to wait for the results.


Ahsoka sat meditating on her bed in her room on the New Hope, seeking guidance from the Force. She took a deep breath in, then exhaled it, taking care not to project her presence across the Force. There were a variety of unsavory characters that would be able to pick up on it and use it to track her if she had even the slightest slip-up.

As she searched through the Force, she came across a long-forgotten image of someone she had once known. It was a little nine-year-old girl with wispy brown hair and deep blue eyes, who had been part of one of the classes of younglings she had ferried to Ilum to find their lightsaber crystals. She didn't remember the girl's name, or know why the Force was showing her this now, but she did know one thing: the child would have some sort of importance in her near future.

Suddenly, the door to her room slid open, and Lux walked inside, carrying two-year-old Anakin. She opened her eyes slowly, smiling at the sight. The little boy had fallen asleep in his father's arms, and his breathing had turned into light snores.

"How long as he been sleeping?" she asked softly, pushing a button on the wall. A large crib, which had been used by little Ani's older brothers and sister, slid out from behind a panel.

"Only a few minutes." Lux put Anakin in his crib, tracing one of the white angular designs on the two-year-old's face. "He fell asleep on me, actually, and I had to get Kayli to lift him off me using the Force to bring him here."

Ahsoka laughed softly. "It's a good thing we have her around, huh?"

"Yeah. She's like the older sister that the kids never had, and..." He trailed off, a faint blush on his cheeks.

"What is it?"

"Well," Lux said, "she's almost like a daughter to me. It's like she's the fifth Bonteri-Tano, or something."

"I know. Even though she's not related to us by blood, I think that we're connected to her by something deeper. She's Force-bonded to us," she replied with a gentle smile. "And that's not the sort of thing that can be broken easily."

Lux wrapped his arms around her, and for a moment they were silent, looking at their sleeping baby.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Ahsoka hurried over to answer it, leaving Lux to watch Ani. As the door slid open, she stepped out into the hallway. She didn't want to accidentally wake the two-year-old up.

One of the Rebel Troopers, a man from the 501st whom she believed was called Stripes (which had stemmed from the pattern of his haircut), stood waiting for her. "General," he said, with a respectful salute.

"Hello, Stripes. What's happened?"

"We're approaching Alderaan, sir. We'll be exiting hyperspace–" The sound of the ship coming back into realspace cut him off. "Well, right now, I guess."

Ahsoka smiled. "Thank you. Have the men ready to move out. Although Senator Organa was careful to make sure that the Imperial presence here stayed to a minimum, we can't be too careful."

"Yes sir."

*What sort of notice could Tarkin have put up on the HoloNet? What could it mean for Phoenix Squadron, and for our heroes? And who was the girl from Ahsoka's vision? What role will she have to play in coming events? And who was that Sith Lord from her vision? You'll find out in the next thrilling chapter of The Unchronicled Adventures Of Ahsoka Tano!

Hey guys! How's it going? Hope you all liked the chapter, and what do you all think about Tarkin's reintroduction to UAAT? The new character's identity is going to be revealed in the next couple of chapters, which I'm gonna get right to writing.


Swear and oath to uphold the Jedi Code to your dying day and may the Force be with you,


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