Chapter Twenty-One: Discussing Fulcrum

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Tarkin strode through the hallways of the Imperial Palace. As he passed one of the tall windows that stretched up to the high ceiling, his gaze flitted over the metallic cityscape that thrummed with the energy of its citizens.

The planet had once been called Coruscant. Now it was know to all as the Imperial Center.

And, as its name alluded to, it was the very heart of the Galactic Empire.

A thin, proud smile came to his lips. He knew that he was doing good, serving the Emperor; he was doing the right thing, and that he had been ever since he had began openly supporting Palpatine when he had become Chancellor. The Empire was a far better system than the Republic had ever been.

But, of course, it still had its little spots of decay here and there. Namely, Phoenix Squadron and the other Rebel cells scattered across the galaxy. But he and his allies in the Imperial Army were working to patch them up, and would soon have results for their efforts.

He walked into the briefing room, and the two Storm Troopers - which were loyal to the core, unlike the traitorous clones of the Jango Fett template - positioned on either side of the doors stood just a little taller. His allies and colleagues around the polished black table stood as well.

He nodded, and the other Imperial officers took their seats once more.

"Gentlemen," Tarkin began, his voice austere and practically oozing authority. "It appears we have a problem on our hands. Phoenix Squadron and the other Rebel cells continue to create disturbances in the peace with their antics, and it's high time we take action."

The other officers present nodded, offering quiet agreement to Tarkin's statement. He pushed a button on the control panel next to his seat, and a visual detailing Phoenix Squadron's recent targets and tracing their flight patterns appeared in the air above a small holo-projector.

"I do not believe they are acting alone. In shipments we have captured and bits of information we have obtained from bounty hunters and smugglers-" he spit the titles of those of the fringe out as if they tasted foul on his tongue, "-we discovered this."

He tapped another button, and a symbol appeared in the corner of the visual. It was two straight lines that split off into angles in opposite directions for about a quarter of the total length, creating something like a diamond shape, before returning to lines again.

"We do not yet know what it means," Tarkin continued after a moment, "but I believe it is the symbol of a Rebel supplier. Although it is not yet known if this supplier is working alone or not, or if it is a group of people, they are the reason that the Rebel cells are as well equipped as they are."

"Such as Fulcrum?" one of the officers - a Colonel Yularen - spoke up.

"Perhaps. We know little about the omniscient Fulcrum, but they are clearly male, and my sources believe them to be Human."

The other officers in the room nodded in accord. After all, it was out of the question that a non-Human was capable of even a fraction of what Fulcrum had shown his abilities to be. Or a woman, for that matter.

His steel-blue eyes met those of his colleagues around the table. "There is an information leak somewhere in the Senate and the Military. Fulcrum appears to deal in information exclusively, but we cannot be certain of anything at this time. And-"

"My apologies, sirs, for my tardiness."

Everyone in the room looked at the door. There stood a tall man with striking blue skin, raven eyes and glassy red eyes, who was apparently the one to have spoken. His uniform, which was crisp and clean, indicated the rank of Captain.

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