Chapter Twenty-Seven: Identity Revealed

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Ahsoka, Lux, Kaylira and Aeja crept through the streets in the Senate District, taking care not to make themselves noticeable.

Although Ahsoka had originally objected to her daughter coming along with herself, her Padawan and her husband due to the dangers the meeting presented, Lux had managed to convince her otherwise. After all, Aeja thought like someone who was nearly fourteen.

She had a strange sort of mental discipline, and the only reason behind it her parents could come up with were the circumstances of her birth, and the fact that due to her Togruta-Human parentage, she had more access to her brain than the average person – alien or not.

Kaylira had been through a few difficult missions already. She wasn't seasoned, exactly, but she had that special breed of confidence that came with her age. Ahsoka had been exactly the same when she had first met Anakin....


The thought of her old Master brought back memories of the Sith currently ruling the galaxy, of Darth Vader, Darth Maul, and whoever the person from her dreams was. Using the Force – and very carefully, because Coruscant was the dundark's den as far as any remaining Jedi were concerned, for obvious reasons – she probed the surrounding area.

Nothing came up except the Emperor's charred, blackened aura. Darth Vader was apparently away forcing the population of some unlucky planet into submission, Sith Lord style.

She looked back at Lux, who nodded. He could feel it too. Aeja and Kayli, thankfully, weren't yet sensitive enough to stretch their perception of the Force as far as Lux and Ahsoka could.

She took a quick look at the cityscape of buildings that stretched hundreds of stories up into the air and incessant lines of speeder traffic, noting their position with a smile. "We're almost here," she said to her family. "Everyone, disassemble your lightsabers."

With the exception of Ahsoka's lightsabers, everyone there had lightsabers that could split into two or three components, and then fit back together quickly if the need arose. Lux, Kayli and Aeja

And so, the four darted across the street and into the back entrance of the Senate Apartment Complex. The building had been largely abandoned after the formation of the Empire – with the 'out with the old, in with the new' philosophies the Senate had been encouraging, the Complex's inhabitants took up residence in the newer, shinier housing closer to the Senate Building.

Now, it was a place for Rebel agents to meet without interruptions.

After a short ride in a turbolift whose inner workings were in desperate need of oiling, Ahsoka and Lux found themselves looking upon a familiar sight: the old apartment of Padme Amidala.

After a short ride in a turbolift whose inner workings were in desperate need of oiling, Ahsoka and Lux found themselves looking upon a familiar sight: the old apartment of Padme Amidala

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The two girls were clearly itching to run ahead and explore, but kept pace with the adults. They knew as well as Ahsoka did that the place could be riddled with traps, even if she had met with Admirian here before.

"Force," whispered Lux. Even without linking his thoughts with hers, she knew that he was remembering all the time he had spent in this room... She felt the same way. Even now, it still bore traces of Anakin's presence, and of Padme's soft aura of a mother-to-be...

"I know," she said, putting a hand on his shoulder. He looked over at her, and she managed a smile. The concentration of the Force around this place wasn't far short of incredible. It was no wonder no one wanted to live here anymore.

Suddenly there was a rustle from the next room. A tall figure, hooded and cloaked, stepped through the doorway. Had Ahsoka not seen her contact in his work clothes before, she would have been rather alarmed by his pristine Imperial uniform.

But she only smiled. "Admirian, it's good to see you again."

The kids had no opinion about the newcomer, as he was a complete stranger to them, but Lux was staring, wide-eyed and open-mouthed. "Oh Force. It can't be!" he whispered in awe.

Admirian smiled a tight-lipped – but still genuine – smile, taking off his hood. "Colonel Wullf Yularen of the Imperial Security Bureau. Better known as Admirian of the Rebellion. I am at your service, sirs."

*We finally learn who the mysterious 'Admirian' is. But what could the Empire's agents be planning? With Yularen's involvement in the whole situation, and the call that the Imperials accidentally over heard, could everything that Ahsoka and the Rebellion have tried to protect come undone? And just what have Darth Bane and his apprentice been up to in all this time? You'll find out in the next thrilling chapter of The Unchronicled Adventures Of Ahsoka Tano!

Hello all! Not really super happy with the way this chapter turned out, but it's okay. About halfway through, my brain was like, 'Hey, maybe this should be in Lux's POV...' But I told it to shut up and kept writing.

What did you all think about getting Admiral Yularen from SWTCW involved again? For those of you who didn't remember, he worked closely with Ahsoka and Anakin throughout the series, and I just wanted to get him involved. Also, it said on his article on Wookieepedia that he was very much pro-Empire. I was like, NAHHHH THIS WILL NEVER DO, and so I stuck him in here. There was some foreshadowing in the 'Court-Marshalling The Twins' chapter and in the chapter where Thrawn makes an appearance.

Now, from here until the end of the week the updates might be coming pretty slowly for pretty much everything, because I'm working on an update for Luxsoka: A Love Story! Rejoice, my fellow Star Wars nerds and Luxsoka shippers! It's about half-done, so I'm kind of in a DROP-EVERYTHING-AND-WORK-ON-ONE-FANFIC mode right now, because I promised someone I'd have it done by the end of the week. And I feel kinda bad because I haven't updated it in... *checks profile* WHOA OKAY FOUR MONTHS but I promise it'll be worth it!

Now I'm going to check to see if that episode of SWR is on my streaming site and update L:ALS... Bye!

Become a traitor to everyone you hold dear by bringing chaos to the galaxy and may the Force be with you,


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