Chapter Ten: Meeting A Princess

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As the adults continued to talk of matters of vital importance in the Rebellion, one of Bail Organa's aides escorted Kaylira to a shuttle and down to the surface of Alderaan. Stepping out of the small spacecraft and out onto a landing platform at the base of the Royal Palace of Aldera, she sighed happily.

"I think I'm going to like it here," she said, looking around at the city, which was a perfect balance of buildings made of metal and Alderaan's breathtaking natural scenery. And, although she couldn't hear the voices of the plants and animals quite as well on this planet, she could feel their content and oneness with the people that lived alongside them.

As she looked around, she felt a slight disturbance in the Force. A moment later, she heard the door that led into the palace open, and she turned around in time to see two young women walk outside.

The first, who had brown eyes and hair in the same color, had a lively spirit and a rebellious nature. Kayli could immediately sense that the pretty brunette was a tomboy at heart, much like herself. The second, who had light blue eyes and stunning white hair, was more demure and calm, but possessed a sort of quiet courage. Both girls' locks had been carefully plaited into elaborate coils at the nape of their necks.

"Hello!" the brunette said brightly, taking Kaylira's hand. "You must be the girl that Sabi – that's my governess – said was coming. Are your parents here as well? They must be the ones that my father was to speak with about the Rebellion."

"I don't have any parents," Kaylira said, and just managed to get the words out before the dignified white-haired girl began to scold her companion.

"Princess! That is no way to introduce oneself! You've hardly even met the girl and you're already on a rant!" She sighed daintily. "Well, I can see that Madame Sabe still has a lot of work for you. Oh, and I'm Winter, by the way."

All of a sudden, the synapses in Kayli's brain connected. Sabe was alias used by Padme Amidala, the Senator for Naboo until her supposed death fourteen years before! And she was a good friend of her Master! But whatever was she doing here, as the governess to a princess?

The aforementioned Princess groaned, rolling her eyes, and Kaylira had to stifle a smile. The brunette in front of her was the most unladylike person she had ever met, and, frankly, she was taking a liking to her.

"I am Leia Organa of the House Organa, Crown Princess of Alderaan. But you may address me as Leia." She folded her compact body into a pose worthy of such a lady of the court, but then, a curious smile broke through her carefully composed expression. Her eyes widened. "Gods above and gods below! Is that a... a lightsaber?"

Kaylira glanced down at the belt of her customized Jedi robes, and a blush colored her cheeks. "Um, yes... My, uh..." She realized that she was stuttering, and simply took her lightsaber from its clip, and held it out to the Princess.

She stared at it in complete and utter awe. "That's absolutely incredible! I can't believe it!" Then she noticed her outstretched hand. "Wait. Can I... hold it?"

Kayli smiled, and placed her lightsaber carefully into Princess Leia's hand. The short brunette held it as if it were some sort of sacred idol, examining it carefully, and Kaylira could feel that she hardly imagined it was real.

"Oh, it's real, all right, Princess," she said. Leia looked shocked, and Kaylira added, "You were thinking too loudly. It's easy for me to read your thoughts and emotions like this."

"I've heard stories about the Jedi Knights of long ago," Winter piped up softly. "But I never thought I'd ever meet one for myself... How do you do, Master Jedi?"

"Oh, I'm not a Jedi. I'm just a..." She paused, choosing her words carefully so that both girls would understand. "A learner. An apprentice Jedi. Your father is currently speaking with my teacher, who's been a Jedi far longer than I have."

"Could you teach me?" the Princess asked eagerly, handing back the saber. "That mind trick thing that you just used. Can someone who isn't a Jedi learn how to deflect it?"

"Uh, I suppose so... You have a strong mind, and it will help protect your thoughts from other people who have the same gifts I do, but might not have good intentions." She smiled in Winter's direction. "I could teach you, too, if you want."

Both girls nodded eagerly, and began to herd her back towards the palace. But before they could get too far, Leia stopped. "I really am inconsiderate, aren't I?" she exclaimed.

Kaylira didn't quite understand what she meant. "No. Why?"

"You're to be our guest, and I haven't even asked you your name!"

"Oh. That's okay," she said. "I'm not usually one to stand out enough to be asked for my name. But it's Kaylira, or Kayli for short."

"That's a pretty name," Winter said, making Kayli blush. "Now come on, we'll do your hair, and you can teach us that mind trick."

Smiling, she linked arms with the Princess and her aide, and they walked back towards the palace.

*Kaylira is slowly but surely overcoming her fears of being with other people. But whatever could come of our heroes' presence on Alderaan? What  could the adults be discussing in Kayli's absence? And just what - or who - is the person from Ahsoka's dream? You'll find out in the next thrilling chapter of The Unchronicled Adventures Of Ahsoka Tano!

Heeeeeyyyyyyyyy everybody! This is kind of a filler chapter, but it's still going to be important later on in the story. And besides - who's to say that what Kaylira is going to teach Princess Leia won't be the reason she's so resistant against the mind probe from A New Hope? XD

I'm almost finished the next chapter, and I'll have it up shortly. Or wait, scratch that. I'm going to write ANOTHER chapter to go in between this one and the one I was writing, so it might take a little longer. But it probably won't be too long... So, until then, bye guys!

Discover that you aren't the only child of Anakin Skywalker and may the Force be with you,


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