Chapter Twelve: The Second Step

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The presence of a Sith Lord pulled his ship out of hyperspace and flew towards the Japrael system. After careful meditation for many days, he was certain that he was ready for what he was about to do. Darth Plagueis's insight on the creation and recreation of life had been most informative.

He had traded Darth Maul's body for that of a lowly bounty hunter he had found on the Imperial Center. He believed that the man's name had been Rako Hardeen, but he had only chosen him because of their physical resemblance; he cared not for Hardeen's accomplishments or abilities. The man's vital essence had been repressed, leaving the being in charge. And even so, he was using Plagueis's knowledge to slowly but surely reform his host's body into his own, modeling it after his image and complete with his DNA.

A tiny and sinister smile graced his lips, as, without lifting even a finger, he used the Force to bring the bounty hunter's starship into a landing cycle by directly controlling the engine. After all, when one wielded as much power as he did, why use such primitive controls? The icy surface of the planet Morvolo loomed in the viewport, and he smiled.

He was so close to achieving the second step in his plan.

As the ship touched down on the cold, snowy ground, the Sith Lord bid his host to walk out of the ship. It was a curious sensation to feel mortal again after so many centuries of immortality, or, at least, what he thought of as immortality. It was the state between life and death that he had floated through, without any earthly tether, as a ghost of the man he had once been.

He walked through the cold, using the Force to sharpen his vision against the freezing wind and snow, which made his jet-black robes fly. Morvolo was one of those planets that were almost always subject to high winds and storms, but the cold had no effect on him. Soon, with his long strides, he had reached his destination.

Before him lay pieces of scrap metal, partially protected from the snow by a low, icy cliff. Reaching out towards the metal, he lifted them into the air. There was a claw-like hand here, severed from its arm by a lightsaber – or a lightwhip, as he was able to determine upon closer inspection – and a piece of charcoal-colored metal sheared off of sturdy armor there. A mighty warrior had died here.

He pushed the pieces into their places on the warrior's cybernetic body, but then realized that he could feel... life. He could feel life within this creature's severed head. There were circuits attached to its brain, and had been keeping it alive for nearly eight years. And its other vital organs had also been put into stasis by the rest of the suit.

The Sith Lord smiled. This would make his job easier, even though he had always loved a challenge.

And with that, gesturing with his hands towards the body and its metal casings, he began to chant. The words were in an ancient language; they were harsh, low and guttural, but he spoke them so softly that they were almost too low to hear.

Gradually, as he progressed through the long and elaborate chant, clouds of thick black smoke dotted with ash, embers and sparks appeared on the palms of his hands. Making a sort of high-pitched humming noise, it flew through the air towards the warrior's body.

As the smoke touched the metal and flesh, it began to glow a sickly yellow-red, putting the broken pieces of the body back together. The being smiled darkly, increasing his intonation in volume as he watched the healing process continue.

Soon, the creature before him didn't even look like it had ever been cut into pieces. The dark energy had renewed him like never before; and, despite only being a clone of the original, this creature would have something that his predecessor never did:


As he completed the chant, and the mist retreated, the newly remade body dropped to the ground. It landed in a crouch, and, slowly, a pair of golden eyes opened. But instead of being purely yellow, as they had always been, they were now streaked with red veins and rimmed with crimson.

For a few seconds, neither one of them moved. But, stifling a cough, the warrior spoke in a raspy voice. "What is your bidding, my Lord?"

"You are now my servant, Grievous, son of Kalee," he said in his sinister voice, and the warrior's gaze flitted up to meet his own. "Now, rise."

"Yes, my Master." The cyborg did what he bid him. "What am I to address you as, Master?"

"Bane. I am the Sith'ari Darth Bane."

*The identity of the strange figure that Ahsoka dreamed about his finally been revealed. What plans could Darth Bane have for the New Jedi Order, our heroes, and the galaxy as a whole? What was the true meaning of Ahsoka's vision? Will it come true? And what will become of Ahsoka and her allies, who are under siege by unknown attackers? You'll find out in the next amazing chapter of The Unchronicled Adventures Of Ahsoka Tano!


Okay. *clears throat* Evil mastermind moment over. So, there's some stuff you should know about this chapter: 

--Darth Plagueis (for those of you who don't know) was Sidious's Sith Master and the one who discovered how to manipulate life and death. Bane is using his knowledge (having been like half immortal for a long time means that he had access that Palpatine didn't to that info) to remodel Rako Hardeen's body into his own, and used it to ressurect Grievous.

(Look Plagueis up on Wookieepedia if you want more information, because I don't want to bore you all with a rant, and besides, I'm just too lazy to write it all down here XD)

--Grievous, by the way, is a clone of the original. But, using Sith techniques, Bane was able to restore his life to him (he was only in stasis, anyways, thanks to his armour/ life-support suit) and imbue him with midichlorians. Because the midichlorians were implanted in his body by ways of the Dark Side of the Force, he's automatically turned to the Dark Side. 

So yeah. We'll see how Grievous (and his enemies) likes being Force-sensitive... But for now, I have to get to work on the next chapter. It should be up later today. Bye!

Learn from a man you thought you could trust that it's possible to save your loved ones from dying and may the Force be with you,


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