Chapter Two: Court-Marshalling The Twins

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As night fell, Ahsoka prepared to put her children to sleep. As she herded Aeja and the twins into their rooms, she felt that little Anakin, who was cradled in her arms, was about slip into the dream world.

She smiled, motioning for the other kids to be quiet. Her eldest got ready for bed obediently, but Aluxso and Enarion were still full of energy. She left the room for a moment to put Anakin in his crib in the room adjoining hers and Lux's down the hall, but whens he came back, she found the two boys jumping on Alux's bed.

And they were using her lightsabers for a duel.

She gasped, running over to them. She pulled the lightsabers out of their grip using the Force and clipped them back on her belt, ignoring their disappointed expressions. "What were you two thinking?" she scolded. "You could have been seriously hurt with these! Use your training lightsabers if you want to duel, and even so, this is hardly the time, you little pickpockets!"

"Uh oh," Enarion whispered to his twin. "Momma's mad, isn't she?"

Alux bit his lip, looking awkwardly around. "Yep..."

Ahsoka continued to stare at the two boys, her hands on her hips. They squirmed under her gaze, but then, they seemed to relax. By their changing facial expressions, she could tell that they were using telepathy, probably to discuss their next move.

The entire Bonteri-Tano family could use telepathic communication, on different levels. Everyone knew how to broadcast messages to the rest of the family, but some – most notably the trouble-making twins – could use it on a more personal level, and restrict the conversation to just two people.

Aeja, due to her special relationship with her mother and the unusual circumstances surrounding her birth, could communicate with Ahsoka one-to-one, or with Anakin. And little Ani could only really communicate images and the occasional word so far, because he was so young. But the twins had subconsciously developed heavy mental shielding that prevented Ahsoka or Lux from reading them when they were talking.

And besides, telepathy was more of Ahsoka's thing. Lux wasn't too good at it.

The boys seemed to have been finished their silent communion. Suddenly, Alux looked past Ahsoka's shoulder, yelling, "Dad! What the Force are you doing?"

Ahsoka whipped around to face the door, expecting to see Lux doing something crazy, but her husband wasn't there. Too late, she realized that she had been tricked. Enarion darted past her and through the open doorway, Aluxso a few steps behind.

"Oh no, you're not going to escape so easily!" she yelled. She managed to grab Alux's jacket, but the clever child had been wearing it open, and simply slipped out of it. She was left, stunned, holding the article of clothing in one hand, as their little footsteps faded down the hallway. She was certain that their destination would be the kitchens, which they regularly raided for sweets.

"Why do those kids have to be so good?" she growled. She should have expected something like this, but, sadly, Lux was the better parent at handling the young hooligans.

Then, her husband walked into the room. "What happened?" he asked with a sigh, upon noting Ahsoka's enraged expression.

"It's a good thing that I gave birth to those kids," she fumed, "otherwise I'd–"

He put up a hand to quiet her. "I'll take care of it."

He walked outside. Ahsoka saw Aeja stick her head out of her room, and she could tell that she was trying her hardest to keep from laughing. The Jedi Master poked her head out the door, curious as to what he was planning to do.

Lux took a deep breath, before hollering, "MEN! TURN AROUND THIS INSTANT AND FACE YOUR COMMANDING OFFICER!!"

Miraculously, the twins stopped in their tracks. "Sir yes sir!" they cried back from down the hallway, stiffening and saluting.


"Sir yes sir!" they yowled again, and, in perfect synchronization, marched back down the hall.

Ahsoka crossed her arms behind her back adopting her best I-am-your-commanding-officer-and-you-will-listen-to-me expression. She was pretty sure that she was getting the hang of Lux's strategy.

"Our apologies, General!" Alux said, as they both resumed their salute. "We humbly request that you refrain from a court-marshal, sir!"

"We meant no offence, sir!" Enarion added.

Ahsoka pretended to consider their case. "Very well, men. Apology accepted." They two shot each other a relieved look, but then she remarked. "But, should another incident occur on my watch, punishment will be severe. Dismissed."

Her children marched back into their room, and closed the door. A moment later, Ahsoka heard the faucet run, and took the liberty of assuming that they were washing their faces and getting ready for bed. Aeja would make sure they didn't get into trouble, and it was her turn to tell them a bedtime story anyways.

As Lux walked back, Ahsoka stared at him. "How in the worlds did you do that?" she asked in wonderment.

"To manage a five-year-old boy, you have to think like a five-year-old boy," he said, a smug smile on his face.

She gave him a good whack on the shoulder. "Well, that sure explains it. You act like a five-year-old all the time!"

They both broke out into laughter, and walked back down the hallway and into their room.

*Ahsoka and Lux have successfully tamed their rambunctious twins. But what new surprises will the pranksters cook up? And who exactly is Kaylira, Ahsoka's apprentice? And what happened on Ahsoka's mission to Onderon? You'll find out in the next thrilling chapter of The Unchronicled Adventures Of Ahsoka Tano!

Hello all! I hope you liked the chapter! It actually turned out okay, because, unlike some people *cough* MrsSenatorSkywalker and TheFandomQueen1 *cough*, I don't have much experience writing Star Wars family stuff. I just thought that it would be funny if the twins did something crazy, and that Ahsoka would totally blow up because of it, so yeah. It was good. 

There will be more to come on all of the new characters' backstories and stuff in later chapters. So, until next time then! Bye!

Discover that your wife is pregnant just after you win a battle for the Republic and may the Force be with you,


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