Chapter Forty-One: Rendezvous Overlapping

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Hera walked quickly from the common area on the Ghost to the entrance ramp, reaching for an unremarkable old cloak as she passed by the hook it was hanging from. She pulled it over her head in one swift motion, reaching down in between steps to grab the blaster from her boot and check the power pack.

She stopped short as she came up to the main exit, hitting a few buttons on the console next to it. As the ramp began to extend, she felt a hand come to rest on her shoulder.

"You don't have to do this," Kanan said as she turned around to face him.

"I know, but we need the credits for supplies and fuel." Her light green eyes met his deeper turquoise ones as she took a data crystal out of her pocket. "Even if I don't like dealing with the likes of the Space Runners, they're willing to pay the best out of all the people who want this information."

The Space Runners was a group bounty hunters who did jobs for the different crime syndicates in the Outer Rim. They were shady at best, but they valued the information Chopper had found concerning some of the Empire's shipping routes while hacking into an Imperial outpost on Garel a few weeks back. And they were willing to pay good money for it.

Of course, she had never said anything, but she suspected that these members of the Runners were currently working for a group of pirates planning to raid the next shipment of tibanna gas or supplies to some far-off Imperial convoy.

Kanan sighed, but upon noticing the determination in her eyes, said, "Fine. But I can always go if you need. Or we can send Garazeb."

"You know he doesn't like to be called that, Kanan," Hera reminded him. "He always says it makes him remember him too much – you remember the things we heard about Lasan. And besides, he's still new around here. I think we should still do things as a team when Zeb is involved."

"Okay." He planted a light kiss on her forehead. "Be careful."

"I will. Old Jho's may be in a shady district, but it's a good place. I doubt anything will happen to me there."

Hera walked down the ramp and out into the tall grasses Lothal was so known for. As she reached the bottom, she gave him a cheery wave. "See you for supper – and I will know if you have Chopper cook it again, so don't bother trying to fool me again!"

Kanan rolled his eyes in response, walking back into the ship.

Although Hera was good at maintaining a calm exterior, she was still a little worried about this mission. It was very subtle, like a buzzing in the tips of her lekku, but something told her that this little meet-up with the Space Runners wouldn't end at all the way she expected it to.


Kaya Ti spent a good few minutes standing in the middle of Old Jho's Pit Shop, trying to figure out what to say to Han.

But, as always, in the end, she decided to play it by ear. She knew Han Solo quite a lot better than most people – she'd been very close to him.

Then, straightening her back and squaring her jaw, she marched over to their table. Han's face went white the minute he caught sight of her, but Chewie was so absorbed with the giant plate of food before him he didn't bother making a scene.

"Ah, Solo. Look what the cat dragged in." Kaya pulled up a chair, draping herself across it with a smirk. "Fancy seeing your face so far from Tatooine."

"Hey, remember what Fulcrum said about that mission. Redbird's got her stuff, but now I need my pay. That Togruta's still gotta get it to me before I'm outta her hair," he said. His voice was unworried, as always, but she could tell using the Force that seeing her again was setting him on edge.

Kaya nodded, staring over Han's shoulder at a small crack in the wall. For a moment, all was quiet at their table – with the obvious exception of the Wookiee wolfing down his food beside them.

"What do you think–"

"Han, I really am–"

They broke the silence at the same time, starting sentences that ended as soon as they realized that the other was talking. Han managed one of his typical tough-guy smiles. Chewie chuckled throatily in Shyriiwook, but quieted down when the smuggler gave him a look.

Kaya laughed softly. "You go first," she said.

"Well..." He trailed off, deciding that what he thought he was going to say wasn't really worth it at the last minute. "Tell you what," he said. "Let's skip the formalities and all the useless small talk and play a friendly game of sabacc, huh?"

She raised an eyebrow. "Sabacc, with you? Gods of Cold Space, Han! We both know that you play that stupid game as aggressively as a rancor – friendly doesn't apply to you any more than it does to me. And besides, you always win."

He smirked. "Exactly my point, sweetheart."

"I hate you."

"No, you don't," he countered smoothly, his grin widening.

"Fine," Kaya said finally, sighing. "But we're not going over twenty-cred bets, ya hear? I don't like the idea of finding myself owing you heaps of money."

Han smiled triumphantly, and together they walked over to the sabacc table nearby. They were settling back into their old rhythm – that in itself was a good sigh. Maybe, just maybe, Kaya and him had a chance together again, despite all that they'd been through and all the distance that had formed between them.

They had a chance at being friends again, at least. And for now, that was enough for her.

*Hera Syndulla is coming Ahsoka and Kaya Ti's way on business. But what could the strange feeling that the night wouldn't end as planned mean? Could this be a start of a friendship and partnership with the Rebellion? And will Han and Kaya's friendship prevail? Because there are dark forces at work here, and there's no telling what will happen next... You'll find out how in the next thrilling chapter of The Unchronicled Adventures Of Ahsoka Tano!

Hey guys!! Sorry the update was so slow coming... The creativity was flowing more into the channel dug in my brain that's dedicated to SOTE this weekend, and towards HWOF, the newest addition to my already bursting-at-the-seams collected works here on Wattpad.

Anyways, I know that this chapter was a filler, but it was all I could come up with. Next chapter, however, we could be talking about a potential meeting that could change the course of the crew of the Ghost's lives forever...

I'll do my best to update soon :)

Ally yourself to the Dark Side despite your teachings as a Jedi and may the Force be with you,


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