p r o l o g u e

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Dan Howell was fed up.

Fed up with what?

Fed up with living in a world that I have no room in.

Fed up of being isolated in this tiny box of a room all of the time instead of going out and getting drunk with my now non-existent friends.

Fed up with everything that "life" throws at me.

These thoughts cause Dan to think things. Think things no human should have to think.

I'm useless. I have nothing to contribute in this world.

I'm unusable. I don't have the qualifications or the skills to do anything that can land me a job.

I have no purpose. Everybody has one as soon as they're born, but mine had slowly faded away, just like my life altogether. All I am is just a sad excuse of skin and bones.

Phil Lester was Dans neighbour.

He knew about Dan and his... thoughts.

As soon as Dan moved into his block of flats rumours and accusations spread like wildfire.

"He looks quite disturbed, doesn't he Jules?"

"Oh aye, the lads head isn't fully screwed on. Doesn't look like the outgoing type, that's for sure. I'd love to see how much he leaves his house."

To be frank, Phil was disgusted by them. How they could judge somebody based on their appearance and facial expression alone baffles him.

There's been many times where Phil's been tempted to go over there and give Dan a friend, as it is quite obvious he doesn't really have a lot of visitors. But something always pulls him back, whether it be Phils own friends or just his own mind.

okayokay so this story was inspired and is set around a metaphor that was said in Spacenames by the craftybean that is OddPhanatic . Their books are gr8 alTHOUGH THEY DISAGREE WITH ME WHICH THEY SHOULDNT so you should go check them out bc I've read them all and I'm lost now! :)

And also the chapters will be short. This isn't a proper novel thing I'm going for, I'm not good enough of a writer for that lMAO.

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