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Dan ran off anywhere his feet would take him. He learnt that converse are not the ideal running shoes, and no matter how fluffy his socks are, they did not protect his feet at all.

His breathing is heavy, his cheeks with dry tear stains, the wind having not wiped them away for him, but deciding to keep them on there to cause worry throughout the passers by who are looking at him.

It's shit. Running somewhere busy, lots of people going about their day happily. Then there's you. Heavy breathing, red blotches across your face, puffy eyes, tears running faster than yourself; with nobody offering even a used tissue from McDonalds. Not that Dan wanted or expected a kind citizen to step up and break that barrier between 'stranger danger' and give him a small pep talk that lasts for 2 minutes, and then they walk off and forget about him. No guarantees that he would actually talk anyway, his hyperventilating making that near enough impossible to even form a word.

He sits on a set of stairs, careful to leave space just in case someone wants to get in or out. He stares out at the people walking past, his hands covering his mouth, trying to guess their lifestyle.

She has a fancy long coat on, I suppose she has an easy life, financially stable.

That little boy with his grandparents. They're all smiling. They must spoil him rotten.

Group of friends, laughing. They must all be really close, able to just tell each other everything and don't have a care in the world, they don't have to grow up just yet.

Dan envies them. He used to be like that. He did have quite an easy life, with his mum graduated in philosophy and his dad a DJ. His dad also done special effects for movies and would often sneak Dan in; he did used to get spoilt by both his parents and grandparents, they adored him. But then Dan grew up; he became less interested in being with his parents and brother and more with his group of friends. He began partying, drinking, even tried a few drugs. He made all of that his priority.

Then it happened. That one incident that changed it all. Who knew that it could take one night to flip someones life around? Dan didn't even realise until he'd sobered up from what he'd taken. His friends shouted abuse at him, he had no clue why. He ran from them and went home, thinking they were still a bit under the influence, but as soon as he stepped through that door he was slapped. Again, he had no clue why. It wasn't until his mother had screamed it at him.

He couldn't believe it. He isn't capable of doing that.

Oh, but he was.

I feel like I'm putting everyone in suspense wHAT HAS HE DONE?!?!

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