Chapter 18

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You walk to Harrys room and stop at his door. You take a big breath and then you knock. He opens the door with a smile on his face. He motions for you to come in and you do and sit on the couch.

After you make small talk with Harry you finally work up the courage to tell him. You take a really deep breath and say "Harry I need to tell you something.." He nods and says "you can tell me anything Kaylee." You smile and say "ok then, Harry I'm pregnant. Louis is the Father."

Harry's eyes get wide and he smiles. He grabs you up and engulfs you in a huge hug. You manage to wheeze out "I c-cant breathe H-harry." He laughs and lets you go. You smile and say " so your not mad?" He shakes his hard no and says "I was kind of hoping you would get pregnant. So we could have some happiness after mums and dads accident." You smile and say bye and leave.

You get back to your room and yell "alright boys I know you were listening to mine and Harry's conversation." They jump out of their hiding spots and Niall says "how did you know?" You laugh and say " I didn't until now!" The boys groan and smile and say congrats.

After that the boys go to grab something to eat. So your their alone, you watch a little tv and get on twitter and Instagram. After that you change into Louis shirt and lay down and go to sleep.

You wake up to the bed sinking down beside you. Then arms find there way around your waist and you know it's Louis. You smile and mumble "missed. you,goodnight love you. He says "love you and night."

You wake up with a terrible stomach pain and you get up ad run to the bathroom. Louis comes in and hold your hair back and rubs your back. When you finish you brush your teeth you lay back in bed. He just lays there not talking just hold you and you both eventually fall asleep.


Hello my beautiful buttfaces how are you? I hope you've been good! I have! I'll update as as soon as I can.

Instagram-hannahhagan1 & the thesassandtheass



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