Chapter four

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I wake up sweating I've never woken up this hot before. I walk downstairs and turn up the A.C. Then Harry grabs me and throws me on the couch and tickles me. I start crying when I think about how mum and dad passed away. Harry stops and holds me in his arms until the tears stop.

Finally he says I want you to come on your with me. You smile and ask why? He say it gets lonely and boring and I miss my twin! You smile and say ill come Haz! When do we leave? He tells you about a week. You say ok and you go fix breakfast.


I'm in the middle of packing but I don't know what to take or how to fit it all in my bags! I have a lot of stuff. Just then Harry walks in and hands me his list of stuff, and says just change it to girl things. You smile and say thanks Haz. When you are done you bags are stuffed.

Before you leave you go to the loo. Then you change into a sweatshirt and black leggings. You hear the van pull up so you hop in Harry's bag so it will be a surprise. Harry puts yours and his bag in the back and you start driving. You unzip it slowly and pop out saying surprise! The guys turn around and smile Harry starts laughing first then you crawl out and sit beside harry.

The next thing you know you are arguing about what a good kiss is. You smile and say I do but I don't know which one of you to kiss... They smile and all except Harry and Niall say ME!! You pick Liam and crawl in his lap and have a mini make out session. Everyone is wide eyed when you are done but you just smile and say was that? They all laugh and say yeah. You crawl back to your seat and fall asleep.


Well what do you think kaylee and Liam? Lialee? Haha nope

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