Day Seven [Edited]

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“Brook they can't get you in for about two weeks. They have too many people they are working with and you had to be put on a waiting list.” I had a better idea and a much quicker one.

I grabbed my keys and rushed out of the door bringing Aiden with me. We sat in silence the entire drive to the police station. It was scrambled for a moment while I tried to get in the right place and in the end I ended up in front of the sheriff. “Officer Smith, my name is Brooklyn Nairo, I have a problem and I was wondering if the police could maybe look into it. I don't know if you have heard about the new advanced in genetics regarding hybrids, but hopefully you heard about Victor Austin’s arrest for testing without a permit and the death of his hostage.”

“Yes that just went through here a couple days ago. What about it?”

“I was pregnant six years ago, Victor Austin was my doctor. He gave me what he said was a vaccination to raise my RH levels. Three months later I “Miscarried” and he took the child cesarean. You can't give that vaccination so early in a pregnancy and three months happens to be the actual due date for my pregnancy now with the serum. I might be crazy but I believe he could have done something. He talked me into waiting until birth to know the gender and I never saw the baby after the cesarean. I think he could have had a hidden agenda and that maybe my baby wasn't dead. Do you have a way you could look into it?”

“We have multiple things we can do Ms. Nairo, we can to a DNA test to see if the child Mr. Austin had held captive shares your genetics. If that comes out a match we can move from there. I will go get my lab tech to come run both of your DNA and see what comes up.” The officer left the room and not long after the medical examiner came in to swob Aiden and my mouth.

“Well Ms. Nairo, good news is Aiden is one hundred percent your child. The bad news is he has no files at all. We would like to get him into the system before while my officers investigate your hospital visit. Can you bring in anything you have pertaining to your first pregnancy in the morning? Once he is in the system he will get a birth certificate and social security card as you would with a normal birth. From there we can look into Mr. Austin and you can move forward from an education standpoint.”

“I can definitely do that. Thank you Officer Smith for your time I will see you bright and early.” Gabriel was excited to hear the news. After the initial excitement wore off we all went out to dinner to celebrate.

“Well Aiden Joshua Nairo, welcome to society. Your birthday is March 2nd, 2009. You’re technically only six but you look and act twelve. We contacted the government and explained the situation. They have created a birth certificate that will ask your age you look and the age you really are. They will be issuing a new standardized test out so that they can test where you are education wise and you will be placed in school from there.”

“And what are you doing about Mr. Austin?”

“Well that is tricky, he is no longer a murderer because you are alive. That can take five years off of his sentence. We might be able to negotiate a deal of some sort.”

“Is there a way we can drop the sentence and he just have to pay child support? I also need the serum he gave me so I can find a cure for Aiden. I’m sure he doesn't want to stay stuck in limbo forever.”

“I can see what I can do. Mr. Austin’s retrial is this afternoon. I can call you with what I found out.”

As I watched the news later that night the phone rang. Gabriel brought the phone to me saying it was Officer Smith. After talking a moment I understood that Victor would be giving us the serum and paying a monthly check of five hundred dollars until Aiden hits eighteen.

“Hey mom look what we found!! It’s a bunch of old keys with little notes written on them. Me and Addyson found them digging in the yard.” Each key had a tag that said something like ‘Take to the Trees’

Tampered (NaNoWriMo13) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now