Day Fourteen [Edited]

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Today is my friend Aiden’s little sister’s birthday. Addyson is turning five and has requested a princess themed party. According to Aiden all she can talk about is how cute I am so they have asked if I could dress as a prince and escort her to her party. She’s just so cute that I had to agree and now Aiden and I are with Gabriel looking for tuxedos. It’s planned to be a formal party.

At the tux shop in town we were assisted by one of the workers and easily found our suits. We bought the Tuxes so that we would have them if we needed them later. Brooklyn said that Addyson’s dress is a pink so we went to look for a pink tie. Aiden got the nerve to ask Payton this morning and she is wearing a purple dress. We got ties and left the store as quickly as possible. I’m not a big fan of shopping and neither is he.

On the way out we ran into Aiden’s dad’s friend Cameron. He was invited to Addyson’s party and was excited that Kira had said yes to going with him. Aiden says they have been flirting for a while now. It’s good to see that they are happy together. Hopefully this party will lead to them getting together for real.

We took the tuxes to the pack house to store them. The party isn’t until tomorrow night and we haven’t told Addyson that I am going. We have it planned to surprise her. Aiden left saying he was going to go see Payton. She has been sick a couple days but getting better. She should be okay for the party tomorrow.

As Aiden left I went to check things with my dad. He has been talking about how some distant pack has a war brewing and they are trying to enlist our help. He is thinking about making it optional. It sounds like it will be a big bloodbath and he doesn’t want to force us into something that has the odds stacked so much against us.

Aiden POV

When I walked into Payton’s room she was asleep. I leaned in to kiss her forehead not knowing she was awake. She looked up at me and smiled.

“Hello Aiden,”

“Good morning, sleep well?”

“Of course, I think I might go get some breakfast want to come with me? Makayla said she made tacos.” I had to really think but soon remembered Makayla was the western looking girl I met when we went looking for the cave.

“Sure that sounds nice.” Payton got a sweatshirt from her closet and lead the way to the kitchen. Makayla was just setting some delicious looking tacos on the table and I offered to grab some drinks. When I came back the two were in conversation, “What did I miss?”

“We were just discussing you. I wanted to know if you guys were dating yet.”

“And what did Payton say?” Makayla laughed and said nothing yet, “Well no we’re just friends.”

“Then why was she the one you asked to your sister’s party?”

“Why not?” Judging by Makayla’s face it was a great answer, I didn’t say I wanted to date her and give it away yet I didn’t say no and make her think it wasn’t an option. Well played in my mind. Makayla laughed in response and I knew it was a good answer.

“Well Aiden, I like you. Don’t wait too long to snatch her up or you might lose her.” We all laughed over that thought but I know that its true. Payton is smart, beautiful, funny, and the best girl I have ever met. I hope I get the nerves to ask her on a real date.

“So what do you two have planned today?”

“I was thinking about taking Aiden with me to get a present for Addyson.What are you doing?”

“I told Alpha Michael I would ride my horse to see the Dark Nyt Pack. He wants me to check up and see how things are going with them.”

“Are you taking anyone with you?”

Tampered (NaNoWriMo13) *Editing*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora