Day Nineteen [Edited]

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The triplets are developing well. At two they are developed like four year olds. They are developing great motor skills and have very few health problems. As shifters they are also not sick very often. Their body temperature runs high and so they normally lose the infection before it can make them sick. There hasn’t been much trouble shifting though Emily still is delayed in switching. We figure it is because she is so young not because of any actual problems. As far as we can tell the project 3761 was a success.

As for Addie, Brooke and I we also have no problems shifting. All tests show that we are the same as the other wolves. Our shifting is almost as quick and our speed is average. The only way to tell we aren’t natural without asking us is by our eyes because blue is a sign of being a hybrid and not full blooded. Brooke and I are waiting to join the Emerald Moon Pack because we do not know what will happen with the triplets or whether or not they will be in a pack or not.

Addyson is having her initiation ceremony in September before she goes to school. They wanted her to wait until her and Ash are close to taking over the pack. Alpha Michael has been in the pack hospital the past three months. The only thing keeping him alive is a bunch of machines. He can't be taken off until Ash is ready to take over. Being only six they will not let Ash and Addie get married but they will let Ash claim her and take over the pack.

The engagement was the first step to claiming a mate. Addie still has to join the pack and then he has to formally claim her as his mate then they can take over being Alpha and Luna. It is a lot of hoops to jump through but that is what happens when you aren’t old enough to get married. If you get married you just have to formally claim them and you are good to go. They don’t have to be a part of the pack or any of that so it is a little quicker.

I was sitting down with the kids and we were eating birthday cake, Grayson was being very picky and had to eat with a fork. Anytime the frosting got on his fingers he would freak out and we had to wash his hands and face before we could continue. Emily is very sloppy, she likes to eat with her fingers and draw on the table with the frosting. She doesn’t need as much hygiene as Grayson. Evianna is lactose intolerant. It isn’t too bad but ice cream gives her a stomach ache. Since she can't have ice cream she got to have two cup cakes. With two cupcakes there can be twice the mess but she handles it well.

Evianna seems to be the most mature of the triplets. It doesn’t surprise me though, she was first born and first shift. She is very intellectual and she likes to do things that challenge her which could be why she is advancing so much. I think Grayson can read a little bit. He doesn’t read out loud but he always has a book in front of his face. He could just like the pictures but he can tell you who each of them are so its questionable.

Emily is still into her dolls but that is okay. She is only four and that is to be expected. She really was excited when she got a life size doll today. It is nice to have a daughter that is so easy to please, it makes it a little easier when we are shopping for three children’s birthdays at once or even Christmas for five, soon to be six.

With all of the excitement from today the triplets went to sleep rather easy. Grayson has been going through a Thomas the train faze and so normally it is hard to get him to sleep in his train bed. Brooke found it one day shopping with Kira and was dead set we get it. Emily on the other hand did not like that Grayson got the cool bed and so we had to get her a Dora the explorer bed that looked like back pack. She loves the bed and sometimes she actually asks to take a nap so she can lay in it.

Evianna, being the mature child she is, did not want a themed bed. Instead she asked if she could have the tinker bell themed items from Addie’s room when Addie switched to a more mature pink and brown theme. We have managed to keep everyone happy the entire time which is hard because the triplets still share a room because we do not want to get rid of Aiden’s room. We hope everyday that he will come back and I’m sure it will one day come true.

Tampered (NaNoWriMo13) *Editing*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz