Day Fifteen [Edited]

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When I was a kid I had always wanted a princess birthday party. Before my dad remarried after my moms death we tried to have one but it didn't turn out well. I loved it because my dad tried so hard to make it perfect. He just didn't understand princess and I was too young to be of much help. I always told him to do it like they do in the story books but it didn't come out like it was intended. To make up for it I plan to have a princess wedding when I am older.

I want a big poofy dress and white roses. Sometimes my dads new wife takes me to look at dresses. I have a few but not really a reason to wear them. I don't go to school dances so they are useless except for this one chance, Addyson’s birthday.

December 13, 2015

Gabriel POV

Every spare minute I have been with Cameron in the lab trying to perfect the serum so that I can give humans the ability to shift. I had thought we were close before but I am almost positive it is perfected now. I put in to get is okayed for testing and should hear from the health department today. As soon as I do Cameron and I are going to take the serum. I have to talk to Brooke but other than that it’s all set.

Walking into the bedroom I saw that Brooke was sitting under the blankets reading a book. I pulled my shirt of along with my pants and put on some pajama bottoms before climbing in with her and telling her I had something to ask.

“Brooke, I think I have the experiment perfect. I am waiting to hear I have the okay to do human testing but if I get it I want to test it on myself. Cameron wants to do it as well but I wanted to run it by you first and see what you thought.”

“What are the potential side effects?”

“We aren't entirely sure. As far as we know the only problem could be we get stuck shifting like Aiden did and have to force shift. I have cross examined mixing it with my blood sample and It matches that of Alpha Michael. I think it could work.”

“And if it doesnt?”

“I have a serum that will remove it from my system.”

“I’m not big on the idea but I guess if it’s what you want to do I will support you no matter what.”

“Thanks Brooke, you're the best.” I hugged Brooke and we laid down so we could cuddle. It wasn't much later that I heard Aiden walking up the stairs. He has been with the pack working on some fighting moves. He told me he was a delta now and training for a higher position in the pack. Apparently Alpha Michael wants him to train to become Alpha after him but Aiden thinks he will get farther with hunting or fighting.

Testing the waters for the past few days Aiden has come back in all kinds of damage. I actually gave Alpha Michael a call when Aiden came home with a black eye and a few other bruises on his face. I had been worried they were taking advantage of his low status. Alpha Michael assured me that was not the case. Ash and Aaron are the only ones fighting Aiden and in that case Aaron had swung and slipped on ice throwing more weight in the hit than he meant.

Aiden may not be my son biologically but I love him as if he were. I make sure he knows that I am here if he needs me. He even asked me for help the other day. Aiden is falling for Payton and wants to ask her out and he didn't know how to do it. We decided to brainstorm for a while and have come up with quite a few ways to do it.

“Gabriel wake up the phone’s for you.” I hadn't realized I had fallen asleep. Groggily I took the phone in my hand and answered with a muffled hello.

“Hello Gabriel Brashe? I am from the health department. I was calling to let you know that you have the okay for human testing on anyone who gives consent and is eighteen years of age or has parents permission.” Thanking the man I hung up and immediately called Cameron’s phone to tell him the news. Imagine my surprise when Kira answered.

“Oh, I’m sorry I was trying to get a hold of Cameron I must have dialed the wrong number.”

“Nope this is his phone. He stayed over last night let me go wake him up.” When Cameron picked up the line I teased him a little for falling for Brooke’s best friend, we had all seen it coming, before telling him the good news. He is going to talk to Kira about it and then meet me at the lab this evening. That gives me time to tell the kids and remind Brooke.

Addyson was upset when I told her that she couldn't become a wolf until I had tested the serum on myself first. I tried to explain that as long as there were positive result I would let her do it but she shut down when I told her no. I just don't want something to go wrong and she get stuck somewhere between human and wolf forever.

The phone went off that evening as I was getting ready to head to the lab. It was Cameron saying that we can't test it yet, “Why not?”

“Kira said she didn't care if I did it but I can see it worries her. I think we should wait and all talk as a group so we can assure her that everything will be okay. I don't want her mad at me, I want to date her and I’m worried this could mess everything up.”

“Alright we can wait until january to do it. That is plenty of time for us to talk her into it. Besides Addyson is very upset she can't do it too so this will give me more time to get her to understand.” It seemed that now was not the best time to be messing with nature and so we decided we would wait and see how things played out. We have the rest of our lives to perfect this, we shouldn't rush it and ruin what we have made for ourselves.

Brooke seemed to relax when I told her what Cameron had said and what we had decided to do. She had been worried that Addyson would have a huge meltdown and she would have to take care of that and the triplets while I was gone. Aiden wouldn't have been able to help her,  he has training in healing with Payton.

Aiden was excited to tell me yesterday that Payton had left delta status and became an actual healer. She now gets to go with hunting teams when they head out as well as go on the road with warriors. She has the choice to stay home and help traveling scouts and people within the pack house but she hasn't made any major decisions yet. Her first big job was to do a crash course with Aiden today before he had to work on self defense again. Apparently Ash and Aaron had went with Beta Alexander to help solve some issues within a neighboring pack. The Alpha of Nightstar Pack had died in the night and Luna Nicole was having trouble keeping everyone in line.

Beta Alexander will be checking the status of the pack and instilling some manpower until the next alpha could be appointed. Luna Nicole is thinking of stepping down and letting her Beta take over as alpha because her daughter is still too young. Nothing is set in stone but I’m sure it will get figured out eventually.

Tampered (NaNoWriMo13) *Editing*Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum