Day Four [Edited]

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My Pillow began to shift and I slowly began to wake up. Why is my pillow moving? That’s not normal. I opened my eyes to see that I was actually resting my head on a firmly sculpted chest. Not sure how to react I just closed my eyes again. I felt fingers running through my hair, Gabriel must be awake.

He makes me nervous but he doesn't scare me. I know he kidnapped me and experimented on me but I also know that he truly thinks he has the best for humanity in mind. As far as I can tell he would never hurt a fly. He didn't hurt me he just injected me with a serum that I didn't consent to. There was no violence and no rape. He kidnapped me and kept me hostage but he also released me as soon as it was safe for me.

They also fixed my truck. If they were truly worried they would never have fixed my truck. It left a window of opportunity for me to run. They didn't try to stop me and I didn't try to go. There isn't much about them that seems threatening in the slightest. In fact, I actually kind of think that he’s cute. His friend Cameron is sweet as well. He doesn't seem dangerous at all. In fact he feels like a long lost friend I haven't seen in a while. He acts like a child more often than not which is always amusing considering he looks about twenty four.

I’m twenty three so they are around my age. The typical people or age group I would hang out with. That’s probably why I never noticed them watching me. They were hidden here but out in the open when they followed me in town. It is kind of weird knowing that they have been watching me for so long. I sometimes wonder what would have happened if I had known them before they kidnapped me. I’m curious if I would have volunteered or if I would have said no and still gotten kidnapped.

A phone began ringing for a moment before I heard Gabriel say hello. Whoever it was must have asked where he was because he told them he was at my house and that he didn't know if he should wake me up. He wanted to let me sleep and he didn't know if I would freak out when I woke up. I had fallen asleep next to him not on him and he knew I was nervous when he got in the bed in the first place. He doesn't want to scare me. Little did he know I was awake and laying on his chest by choice. He is just so warm and comforting I can’t help it. There was a few moments of silence before I heard someone walk into the room. Whoever it was they must have been close since they got here so fast.

“Ha I’m surprised she got that close to you.” The voice was Cameron’s. I would recognize that voice anywhere. It’s funny how he can sound so tough yet innocent at the same time. He is just a big teddy bear really.

“She shifted in her sleep, I didn't want to move her she looked too comfortable. Where’s Bryce?”

“He’s on his way. He had to take care of a few things on his way.” I heard Cameron take a seat and they sat there just talking. Mainly Cameron was asking Gabriel if he was excited to be a dad and all of that. He sounded excited but said something about being worried about there being two. He didn't think he would be a good father especially if I wouldn't let him have anything to do with the baby in a parental role.

I have no intentions of keeping his child from him. I havent said anything because I have been worried that he might just change his mind and take my baby after the birth. I have nine months to make him love me so he will stay with me and the baby and not leave taking my child with him. I already lost one I wont lose another. Not if I can help it anyways.

Bryce walked into the room after a while apologizing for being late. Gabriel said it was okay and asked what Bryce had found. “Well, we know the baby will be born early. Shes not as far along as a feline or canine would be but she was definitely ahead of schedule for a human. At this rate I think we should have the baby sometime in the end of August beginning of September. I however have yet to find a way to tell if it will shift or not. I would like to check the DNA if she lets me take a sample when she wakes up.” By now I had been laying there with my eyes open but my lack of movement had kept the guys thinking I was asleep. So much for my nine months to convince him. Now I’m down to less than three.

Tampered (NaNoWriMo13) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now