Day Thirteen [Edited]

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It’s not everyday a lone wolf finds a pack. Now I have went from no family to two families. It's exciting yet nerve wracking. It’s such a foreign concept to me, the whole pack thing, hopefully it will seem normal or at least a little less foreign.

           Ash POV

We decided to leave around one am to look for whoever was living in the cave. Until then I found a place to sit and watch the party. Payton ran past me wearing a pretty light pink dress that made her look innocent. She seemed to zone in on what she was looking for and I saw that she had located Aiden. I was never sure of Aiden’s intentions with my baby sister but as I saw how he acted around her my worries began to fade.

It looked as if maybe Payton had asked him to dance. I couldn’t help but laugh at him when he blushed and ran a hand through his hair. She was giving him that cute smile that always gets her what she wants and sure enough they began to slow dance. Though she’s my baby sister and I don’t like the idea of a guy in her life I don’t mind Aiden. I’ve been around him some in the past few days and he seems to be very true to his word and has only good intentions to better the people around her.

I know that if she ends up with him she will be safe and loved no matter what. He wouldn’t go along with it if he didn’t only have good intentions. He would protect her just as he did today when Jaxon tried to attack them. He put her life before his and made sure that even if he got hurt she would be safe. Aiden definitely strikes me as a good guy and I am glad that he is the one we think is Payton’s mate and not someone we don’t know.

As the time slowly worked towards one I began to find my guys and Hilary so that we could head out soon. By time I had found them Aiden had found me. We all began to walk towards Aidan's house and shifted just inside the tree line. We ran across through the woods dodging trees and jumping over fallen logs. When we got close to the cave we slowed almost to a stop and moved forward as quietly as we could. There was a slight glow coming from the cave and we knew there must be a fire lit inside. Carefully I peaked through the edge of the cave around the bearskin and saw that there were two people inside, both asleep.

Creeping quietly we were able to get in and maneuver around to get a good jump on them. Switching to human form I took a hold of the guy in front of me covering his mouth to keep him quiet. As Christopher grabbed the second we found that there were actually three people in the cave. A small girl began to shift and stretch. Hilary walked over and picked her up. Startled awake the girl tried to scream and Hilary immediately went to quieting her. Immediately I went to work asking the guy I had who he was and why he was here. He smelled like a rogue and so did the second guy but the girl smelled different, though I couldn’t quite place it.

“We were just passing through.”

“This is at least your second day here now tell the truth.”

“He took me from my mommy! I want to go home,” The little girl now fully awake had began crying.

“Who is your mom?”

“Luna Nicole from the Nightstar Pack,”

“Your mom is Maria Nicole? I didn’t even know you were missing. How long have you been with these guys?”

“About three days.” We assured her we would get her home and towed the guys out of the cave and towards the pack house. It seems we catch a lot of rogues with Aiden’s help. It seems they had found they were safe on Aiden’s property until he joined a pack. Once word gets out all of the rogues will probably leave the area.

Payton POV

I had been looking for Aidan for a few minutes now but my dad says he saw Ash, him and a few others leave around one. About a half an hour later one of Ash’s warrior party members came up to ask Alpha Michael to come with him. I followed, curious about what was going on and if Aiden had been involved, as they headed towards the prison entrance. When we arrived the first thing I saw was Ash dragging a guy into one of the cells where there was already another guy waiting.

Tampered (NaNoWriMo13) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now