Day Seventeen [Edited]

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Addyson POV

I woke up in the night with a sense of panic. I was drawn to the window where I saw the silhouette of a timber wolf walking into the woods. Thinking and hoping it was my brother I snuck out the back door and shifted taking off into the night following him. He went towards the old in law suit and I caught up with him just as he went out the door at the other side of the mountains.

“Aiden wait!” He froze but didn't turn to look at me.

“Go home Addie.” I almost cried at the sound of his voice. I had missed him so much.

“No, why did you leave? Do you know what it has done to everyone?”

“It was for the best. I couldn't stay there anymore.”

“You could have, we would have worked things out. Instead you ran. Mom is sick from stress and Payton is trying to put off letting Noah claim her because she wants to know you’re okay first. Everyone is hurting Aiden, you need to come home.”

“I can't yet, but I will one day.”

“Just stay long enough to let everyone know you’re okay. They need some kind of closure Aiden.”

“You can tell them I’m okay. I have some things to do before I can come home.” Not knowing what to do I shifted and just howled. I knew Ash would hear it and come to see what was wrong and probably bring help. When I turned back to Aiden he must have figured out what was going on because he took off running. I followed quickly after him. Ash will be able to sniff me out and find me.

I was on Aiden’s trail until he hit the edge of a cliff. I thought he would stop and come home, instead he jumped. I ran to the edge just in time to see him hit the water. He fought the current and pulled himself out on the other side taking off through the woods. Unable to swim all I could do was watch and wait for Ash.


I was getting ready to go to sleep when I heard a distressed howling north of the packhouse. I instantly recognized it as Addie. I sent a message to all of my warriors telling them to shift and follow me. I followed the direction the sound came from and soon found tracks. I instantly caught addie’s scent and was surprised when the second was Aiden. She must have chased him.

The tracks led into the inlaw suite and and I followed the scent through the secret passageway and to the other side of the mountain. I opened the door and saw two wolves disappear in the woods. I took off chasing them. I was too far away to do anything but watch as Aiden jumped the cliff. Addie ran up to see if he made it safe and I hurried to her side.

“Was that Aiden?” She nodded with a tear streaked face.

“I tried to get him to stay. He took off when I howled, he knew what I was doing. He jumped but he’s alive he made it out to the other side. He took off heading East.”

“I am going to take the guys down and try to catch a lead. Let Alpha Michael know so he can send a hunting group to help. Don't tell your mom yet, it will only hurt her.” She took off with a sense of urgency towards the pack house while I lead my wolves down the cliff and we crossed the river to try and find his scent. We caught it and took off following it. If I find him I will bring him back fighting. He doesn't get to get away a second time. We will find him sooner or later.

Aaron POV

Ash’s little mate came running in from the woods and almost plowed me over. She looked scared and so I asked her what was going on.

“Aiden was at my house. Ash is following him but he wants the hunting pack. I need to find Alpha Michael!”

“I will take you to him.” I quickly headed towards the pack house and showed her to his room. I knocked on the door and told him what was going on. He got ready and came outside so that we can explain in more detail. He sent me to find my team and Addie showed us to where we needed to start.

Tampered (NaNoWriMo13) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now