Day Ten [Edited]

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She Had blond hair that just barely reached her shoulders. Golden and shiny it still did not take from the blue of her eyes. Looking at Serenity with brown hair and a few natural looking highlights I determined that beauty must be a package deal with werewolf genes. Serenity had chocolaty brown eyes that just seemed to draw you in.

Announcing that they had to get to work Serenity and Makayla left while Payton gathered her things so we could leave. When Payton climbed onto the quad behind me I couldn't help the butterflies that erupted in my stomach from her close proximity. Pulling my focus from her delicate grip I steared the quad towards the are mom said the in-lawsuit would be.

We almost missed the heavily camouflaged house with vines going from ground to roof. I parked the quad and we went searching for the door. Once I found it I called out to get her attention and began pulling the vines enough we could open the door. Finding the vines to thick we memorized the spot and ran back to my house to get something to cut it.

With a pair of sharp hedge trimmers we were able to get the door open. The inside of the house was dark with the vines covering the windows. The small house was bigger on the inside. The house must be built into the mountain range behind the house. With the help of flashlights we began to look around for a fire place.

The fireplace was at the very back of the house and we managed to find it even though there was furniture stacked in front of it. It seemed as though whoever put the furniture there did it on purpose so nobody could get to the fireplace or the area around it. After a while we realized we couldn't move everything alone. Payton called her brother Ash to come help.

Ash made things a lot easier. His muscles were toned for fighting and the life of a warrior. He easily lifted one end of the couches while Payton and I struggled under the other end. After the furniture was moved Ash was curious what we were looking for. We explained the key and he offered to stay and help for just in case we had more heavy lifting.

Searching the ground and the inside of the fireplace we couldn't seem to find where the key went. We expanded our search area and found a keyhole on the wall behind a light switch cover. We inserted the key and turned it. To our surprise the whole fireplace opened on a hinge and there was a path through the mountains. Grabbing lights we decided to take the path and see where it goes. I took the lead and Ash brought up the rear so he could keep track of his sister’s safety.

The path went on for what seemed like forever. The darkness just kept stretching. We followed the path all the way to see what seemed like a dead end. There didn't seem to be a latch or anything that could open to any other place. Ash crossed his arms and leaned on the wall at the end of the path. Mumbling something about this being a waste of time the rock moved and he fell through. The rock covered a hidden room that was full of hammocks and beds built into the sides of the caves. There was a doorway that led to what looked like an infirmary that held doctors supplies. Back in the main room we found another room that seemed to look like an office. The thing that caught my eye was the name on the desk, Jonah Nairo. That’s my grandpa. I wonder if this has something to do with the pack.

Moving to the desk I looked into the drawers and I found a bunch of paperwork on people I didn't know. I showed Payton and she shrugged but Ash recognized a few, “These are the Pack elders. Alpha Nairo had this place built for in case we needed to leave the other two pack houses. It’s like a bomb shelter. When I was a baby there was this big problem with rogues banding together and taking out the different packs in the area. They made this place as a precaution. My dad told me that Alpha Nairo had talked about a place he made but he died before he could even tell the location. The key must have been a way to unlock the old city after he died.”

It was weird to think that my grandpa I never knew left those keys with the intention of me finding them. He must have known that we would find out about werewolves and want to help them once we stumbled upon the keys. Mom told me that Werewolf blood was in her genetics and she didn't know till a little while ago. Grandpa knew, He knew we would find this, he knew we would help the wolves, “Maybe I should tell Alpha Michael I found this. I have two more keys, maybe they unlock other stuff like this.”

Tampered (NaNoWriMo13) *Editing*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz