Day Two [Edited]

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It's only the morning but it’s still nerve wracking. maybe I should take the cops. It’s not like the note told me not to. If I drove into town now I could be there in about an hour and have enough time to explain to the cops what is going on, get help, and be back in time for the meeting. At least then I would have backup or they will know where to start looking if something goes wrong. I have a terrible feeling about this and want to take every precaution available. When it comes to something that could be life threatening I waste nothing.

Deciding that getting the copps was the best course of action I changed out of my pajamas and into jeans and a t-shirt. Grabbing my keys on the way out I worked my way to my truck. Walking into my garage I decided to take my chevrolet zr2; a black beauty that I had redone in my teen years, and began to climb in. I sat my bag in the passenger seat and rearranged myself to be more comfortable. I put the keys in the ignition and turned it forward only to have it not start. The starter tried to catch before it went out not quite catching.

I climbed out of my truck reluctantly and popped the hood to take a look. I saw that my spark plugs were gone. Someone had to have done this. I drove it just a couple of days ago so I know it had plugs then. I haven't been messing with my truck because my jeep is already not working.I didn't want to be stranded but here I am. A shiver ran down my back as I thought about the fact that it could have been the person I have to meet tonight. They could have taken them to make sure that I couldn't get to town for help. These people like to roam around my house and it makes me more uncomfortable by the minute.

I haven't installed my home phone yet so there is no landline to call from and my cell phone doesn't get signal. My best bet would be to go across the lake to my friend Kira’s house and ask to use her phone. Giving up on the going to town idea I went into the house. I guess I’m going to Kira’s

On the ground floor there is an entrance to my lakeside garage that is built into the house. There are big rectangles that the water from the lake comes into so I can park my boat inside.We had a problem a while back and lock it up at night so nobody can steal it. We had a few times some teenagers were messing around but never anything too bad. The second side of the garage holds my ski doo I use when my friends come over or just for fun. If you open the garage door you're right on the lake so you can just drive the boat in and out without any problems.

It’s nice living here with the fact we don't have to worry about a lot of people being on the lake. Kira and I own most of it because of inheritance from our parents who owned it before us. The boat docks are all private access for us to put our boats in the lake so it's easier than finding a place by our houses to load them in and out. Coming out of my driveway I will eventually hit a T in the road; left is the main road and right is the south boat dock. Theres a hidden drive on the main road that goes to it and then theres a way to get to it from Kira’s drive as well so it's pretty secluded. Unless you know what you ae looking for you normally will miss it. I cant tell you how many times I have had to stop and go back or go back and forth trying to find it because I passed it.

Climbing on my boat it started right up. I hit the button to open the garage door and pulled out stopping to close it again before heading across the lake. I easily found Kira’s house, a quaint little log cabin, just across the lake from me. It's only a one story house and i think in total only a three bedroom. Her house is definitely not as big as my two story five bedroom three bath house, but it is big enough for her. She normally doesn't have much for visitors because more often than not we all stay at my house.

I pulled up to the small dock she put in and tied my boat so I could get out without it floating off. I went up to her house slowly being careful not to slip on the gravel. The last thing I need is a skinned knee when I might have some running to do tonight. I knocked a couple of times but there was no answer. She must not be home. Deciding to go home since it was already afternoon I started walking towards my boat. I was about to climb on when I heard a car honk and Kira’s red Equinox pulled up the drive. I didn't see her coming but she must have seen me through the trees if she honked to catch my attention. Walking back up the dock I went to meet my friend.

She climbed out of her car and we instantly hugged, “Hey Brooklyn what brings you to my side of the lake?” She always smells like cinnamon. It is a very homey smell and it relaxes me on the spot.

I glanced around to make sure we were alone. Seeing no one around I turned to Kira; “Kira I need to use your phone to call the police. Someone threatened me and took the spark plugs out of my truck and I can't get into town so I need to call the police.”

Kira’s eyes went wide at the news. “Why cant you take your jeep?”

“I have to replace the brakes. It doesn't have any tires on it. I would fix it but I don't have enough time to put the brakes and tires on, drive to town, and be back in time to meet the person so they don't come after me.” I had a feeling things would end badly if I avoid whoever left the note.

“My phone hasn't had signal all day and I have to leave soon. I only came home to change out of my work clothes. I can let the police know when I go into town if you want.”

“That would be great. Tell them to hurry I have to meet the person at the south dock at midnight and I don't want to be alone.”

“I will let them know. I would offer to go with you but I wont be home I’m going to stay at the hospital with my grandma shes not doing well.”

“Well thanks for your help Kira. I have to go find my knife so hopefully I will see you tomorrow.”

My nerves began to kick in as I climbed into the boat and headed back home. I was shaking as I tied the boat to my dock and went inside. deciding i needed to eat something i put a frozen dinner in the microwave and went to look in my room for my knife. on my pillow was another note; “Ms. Nairo, Im sorry about your truck. When you get home from tonight your truck will run again. I just didn't need you panicking and running to the cops. I don't want to hurt you. I just need your help. I can't explain now but you will see soon enough. See you at midnight.”

Like that would calm me down. How do I know they aren't lying? Or that the first thing they decide won't be to shoot me? If I knew who it was I think I would be more calm. I could size him up and know exactly how much of a threat he poses. I wonder how I could help them. I have no idea who they are or how they think I can help but I’m not sure I would help them anyways. I don't take kindly to threats. I just don't understand how they can need my help but can't just knock on the door and ask.

After eating my frozen dinner of salisbury steak mashed potatoes and peas it was already about eleven thirty so I grabbed my knife to stick it in my waistband and went out to the boat. I started it up and turned on the lights I installed back when I started night time fishing. Now that I was able to see I headed towards the south boat dock to meet the secret person.

Pulling up to the dock I saw that nobody was there. I cut the engine hoping to hear something but it was eerily silent. I know if someone is here they will already know I’m here. They would have heard me come in. It’s almost impossible to sneak in a boat. I climbed out and walked up the dock into where cars parked. There was nobody there. I walked up towards the road to see if any body was up there when a hand went around my mouth and one around my waist to stop me from moving. “Calm down I’m not gonna hurt you.” It was a male voice. My captor was a guy. I started breathing harder and panicking. I wonder what hes going to do to me. I heard someone else come out of the woods but they didn't speak. the second person just helped my captor tie me up and they proceeded to pull me back towards the dock.

I heard my boat start up and saw someone in all black driving it back towards my house. I tried to scream at them to let me go but it didn't work they just kept pulling me towards Kira’s drive. A couple feet down there was a black Mustang sitting off to the side. My captor and his partner sat me in the back then one climbed in the front and one in the back with me. They pulled out and started driving but instead of heading towards the road they headed towards my house.

The person in black that took my boat came out of the house with my duffle bag. We watched him lock the door and walk over to us. He threw my bag in the trunk and climbed in the front seat. He handed the driver my house key on my lime green lanyard and they proceeded to turn around and head out of my drive to the main road. From all the heavy breathing and panic I passed out within minutes.

Tampered (NaNoWriMo13) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now