"Hey! Remind me why Zach and Asher are approaching our hallway?"
She said peeking out of the glass on the door.

"Fix me in case they come in here!" I said and nudged Ashley. Ashley removed my hair tie and let my hair lose. She applied a bit of cream on my face and I mouthed her a whole hearted thanks. We all pretended to talk about me and that's when the door opened to reveal Zach and a very rugged looking guy- obviously Asher. It's funny how he looks gorgeous even in his messed up hair. I need to ask him which hair spray he uses. I guess it's BedHed.

"Sup girl." Zach asked me casually as if we have been buddies for a very long time, to which I replied with a raised eyebrow. He glanced at Sophia and Ashley who just wore shorts and a crop top.

"I thought you just tripped." Asher spoke for the first time while making himself comfortable on the couch. He air quoted the word 'tripped' which is so mainstream it is out of fashion now. Only Joey Tribbiani can pull it off.

"Well I tripped and hit the bed corner, but I think that will suffice." I scoffed in annoyance and gave them a sickly sweet smile.

"Woah there girl, tone down you're bitch level." Zach said surprised which proved the fact he hadn't actually ever talked to me, but Asher just smiled like he's used to it. He tried to put his feet on my bed corner which I immediately disliked.
"Eww. Put your shoes off my bed. That's like, so unhygienic."

I might sound like a snob but that's kind of disrespectful? Since when did I care about Asher's manners anyway?Though it is a totally different point that he has none.

"Hush girl, don't be so rude to a guy who came to see you." He said smiling. And I gave his words another thought. I must seem like a bipolar since I'm always hot and cold to him. I really should decide whether I like him or not. I guess I do.

"To be honest I didn't actually believe you tripped, you're too tactful for that. I thought you came under the bus or something." He said laughing but I felt somewhat relieved that my reputation is still good to go but mad on the fact that he thinks I'll come under a bus? And that's exactly why I don't like him.

"You just compliment- insulted me." I said frowning.
"That's what YOU do all the time. I just follow the path of my counsellor."

"Not to be rude or anything but why did you come to see me? Out of all the people I didn't expect you to come."

He laughed but something in his eyes said that he cared. Though I was never the one to care about the eyes or the heart I felt like I could see through him.

"I came here to click your pictures and then post them on social media, well the world deserves to know how stunning you look in that Dolce and Gabbana dress with the white head gear." He said seriously and I almost got tricked by him.

"Hilarious." I said scoffing. He had a great sense of style, new brands and now a great sense of humour. Great, just great.

"I know you'd never do that though." I said seriously.

"What makes you think I won't?" He said challenging me.

"Oh I know you Reed, you're too detached for stuff like that." I felt the need to get going but the look on his face forced me to stop.

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