" hang on Dre, In the news the guy said that the woman was a threat to Rosemond, Why was Sarah a threat" Royce asked before Dre could get into the room, the guys seemed fascinated by finding all of this out. It was a bug surprise and shock.

Dre started laughing as he heard Royce's question " have you seen what Sarah can do in the studio?, she is so talented. Tupac was the one who discovered her inner talent but at the time they were keeping it on the down low, they were just mucking, Tupac was teaching Sarah something's and they were writing songs for his debut album. It had gotten round and some labels heard the snippet of songs that Tupac and Sarah had made, they were amazed they wanted more. Rosemond figured out that Tupac wasn't just the threat Sarah was a threat as well, yeah she was white and it would have been tough but it defiantly would have made a scene back in the day" He answered laughing at Royce's question. It made sense, Sarah was really talented I had always thought that Dre was the one that discovered Sarah but I guess Tupac was the one. I understood what Dre was saying, if not only a white person decided to rap back in the day but a white Woman thought she could make it in the Hip Hop world, she would have gotten so much shit, But these days more White people are in the Hip Hop.

With after saying that Dre walked into the studio to call someone, probably Nicole or someone from his label. The guys all stood round while we tried to soak in what we had just heard, some of the guys still had questions to ask so Sean answered the best that he could since he was friends with Sarah back than. From what he had told us, Sarah went through hell being friends with Tupac, from the hate and from after the accident. A lot of people would have given up or quit but Sarah stuck through it and stuck with Tupac even when she knew the Danger.

Spending nearly an hour at the police station answering the same Questions that I have been asked so many times can get very tiring, I wanted to go home and just sleep but I knew I had to go back to the studio and finish what I started, I couldn't let this get in my way of my Career Tupac would hate that.

Walking in the studio was a lot different than when I left, it was quiet and more moody. From the amount of cars in the car park, I am guessing some of the guys went home but still there was a lot of people still here, I quickly tried to wipe the tears so the guys wouldn't notice all the pain that was inside. when I first walked in I was strong, I walked past a few guys that were in the lounge area and I kept my cool and the tears inside but I could feel them staring at me, I guess Dre told them the truth. I knew I had to be cool and collected like what had come out didn't affect me because crying is just another way of showing weakness and people thrive on your weaknesses in the Hip Hop industry. I entered the studio ready to start work again and dodge and questions about before, I saw that there was about 7 guys in there including Marshall, Fifty, and Royce but right now all I wanted was Dre, I wanted someone that had seen me down before and had seen me cry.

" Sarah, we didn't think you were coming back" Royce said standing up in surprise, he was shocked that I had decided to come back to work after being taken away by the cops. After he spoke the rest of the guys turned round and faced me also looking very surprise to see me.

" Is Dre here" I just asked trying not to look at them in the eye, trying to hide my sadness and tears. I just needed Dre and get out of here before I broke down. I hated going back to the past cause it always made me sad.

" Nah he left, something about Nicole and one his boys being sick" Royce answered still with shock in his voice, I could tell by the way they were all looking at me they all had questions and things they wanted to say. I was going to answer them but not today, I softly nodded my head taking in everything Royce was saying, trying to sound not to desperate for Dre but as I was nodding and acting all tough, I just had to glance and make contact with Marshall as he stood staring at me with a concerned face. And that's when it happened, as soon as I saw those eyes and his concerned face I could feel my eyes beginning to water, so I quickly turned round and stormed out knowing I had to get out of here, to have a good cry. It was something about Marshall that made me break down, I know I would have broken down in front of Dre but not Marshall, its just as soon as I saw his face it was like I could trust him and let my guard down, it was like I could confide in him even though he wasn't around back than. It was like he would hold me and let me cry even if it was ridiculous the reason.  I shouldn't be thinking like this, yes! we told each other how we felt but we still haven't even gone out yet, there was no way I was going to let him see me like this, no way was I going to depend on him in any way.

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