The annoying big brother

Start from the beginning

"Handling the situation." He says in a quiet voice.

I feel his long fingers running trough my soft almost black hair. I try to turn my head back to face him but he doesn't let me move.

"Ta da!" He grins looking at me once he finished his masterpiece. I walk to the mirror and look at my hair. It's tied in a loosen high ponytail with a few hairs that are left to fall by my ears. It's not the look I usually wear, but it looks really cute and the fact that he made it is even cuter, considering he can barely brush his own hair.

This is going to work. This has to work. My original plan was to act completely normal with Cole so he can forget about his parents for little. I know him too well and I know he doesn't do well with those heart-to-heart talks. We are the same when it comes to that- we don't like to show sad emotions.

He watches me with expectation and I smile biting my lip unpurposely.

"Hey Cole?" I say.


"Why did you ask Noah if he likes Justin Bieber?" I didn't expect that at all, I expected more like a police report about how many girls he had, what grades he earned at school and stuff. You know, usual Cole overprotective questions.

"Because my baby sister's boyfriend could be JB's biggest fan for all I know." He walks to the door "And that's a risk I'm not willing to take."

I chuckle shaking my head. "What would I do without you?"

"Probably picking goat's puke in your granduncle's farm until you turn eighteen and then they'd send you in all boy's school to teach something like food education so yo-"

"Seriously Cole, do you have to ruin every nice moment?" I sigh but can't help a smile.

"I'm not ruining 'em, T-rex, I'm making them happen." He sticks the tongue out at me just like he did when we were little. I guess some things never change.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let's go, I'm starving." I admit somehow managing to stop my stomach from making a dying whale sound.

"I bet you are. Have they fed you up there?" He asks raising eyebrow. "They better be."

"Yeah, Noah took care of it." I admit. There goes a flashback of Noah holding a chocolate for me, our almost kiss, the phone call, everything. It just feels so distant now, like it didn't happen two weeks ago.

He gives me a skeptical look but eventually gives up as we walk downstairs in the dining room.

I feel so free with him by my side. So free and safe. Like I don't have to worry if I'm wearing a million dollar designer dress or the trash bag.

"Tiffany, love. Dinner is ready." My dad says looking at me with a sweet smile I missed past weeks.

"Good, 'cause I'm starving." I sigh and all but run to the table. I sit on my chair, the spot that is always mine and everyone knows that.

I sit and not-so-politely shove a full spoon of spaghetti in my mouth.

The fact that my mother made it by herself makes it twenty-six times more delicious than it already is.Don't ask why twenty-six. I just love the number. She never cooks, and we're usually thankful for that... she's not really the best cook ever. But magically she learned to cook my favorite dish- spaghetti. It took her one month and countless number of unsuccessfully made pasta which we threw away every time, but she finally learned.

It's all like heaven. I'm home. With my parents. With my Cole. And most importantly, Noah is right there waiting for me tomorrow.

I subconsciously smile when I remember that he'll be there tomorrow. As well as the next two years. He'll he there with me. I can't think of better reason to wake up in the morning.

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