Trapped in Envy (Kookie request)

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I_LUV_KOOKIE hope u like it :)))) sorry for doing it so late 😰😰😰

I'll be updating requests every Friday and I may or may not upload my own imagine updates on Saturday....


In this, Aben and Yoongi are twelfth grade students cos it's kind of in the middle of what yoongi would be in and what real life aben would be in.

The bold italic parts in the middle of the story are when Aben or Yoongi or Jungkook is looking back on the event and commenting on them


Yoongi and I are walking down the street, trying to locate any place with decent Chinese food. I mean, Chinese food is always great, especially if your stomach has been begging for food all day long. But today, Yoongi and I had found a food critique's soul in us and that is precisely why we're currently strolling around china town, eyes heavy with critique towards every restaurant we pass.

You see, every Friday, Yoongi and I go out together to spend some time with each other. 'Cause best friends are like that. Catching up on the latest goss and relaxing after a long week of school is majority of what we usually do. And sometimes, we just go crazy- usually at a water park or a bowling alley or at the pool or something else. But it's pretty much just any other ordinary day today- we had class, lunch, more class, a free period, more class and finally the end of school.

What I didn't realise was that this day was actually going to be the start of a string of events and not just any ordinary day.

"Yahw, Aben. Think I found a winner."

I look towards the restaurant that Yoongi is pointing to.

"Nah, man," I say. "Look over to the second one after that. They have some pretty good-looking dumplings over there."

"Seriously, Aben? The one I saw has way better looking dumplings."

"No it doesn't."

"Yes it does."



"Yoongi, why do you have to be like this?" I say like a disappointed mother.

"You know what," he says. "We'll go to the one in the middle of both our restaurants."

I sigh.


We both order our meals- I just end up ordering two whole plates of beef and pork dumplings to myself while Yoongi actually eats a proper meal - chicken chow mein and sweet & sour pork.


We exit the restaurant with what feels like potbellies. Each step we take is like being pregnant. Jiggle. Jiggle. Jiggle. Although Yoongi technically can't become pregnant. And I wouldn't know what it's like being pregnant. But I'm just gonna assume that this is what it feels like because, come on, who doesn't feel like they're pregnant after eating two whole meals that were probably meant to be shared by four people?

"Those were some good dumplings." I say to no one in particular, but Yoongi decides to reply anyway.

"Yeah, bruh. I think it was better than either of the restaurants we saw at first."

"I know right, and your chow mein was appetising as hell."

"Don't even go there, it's too holy to talk about."

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