Hate Both Ways pt. 4

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Last part!!!!

I'm not gonna do the four parts thing anymore

Let's be honest, it's tiring.

After this im gonna try my hardest to update requests every friday since i know byuntaeyang and I_LUV_KOOKIE  have been waiting for ages for their requests

And then imma continue my normal imagines

I didn't get to the pink princess 👑👑💗💗 sadly :(


If you guys didn't realise already, Jungkook and Vivienne hate each other. Jungkook started hating Vivienne cos she was being annoying about the liking thing.

He usually isn't that hateful but I guess it turned into real hatred over time because he started off with a bad impression of Vivienne anyway.

But now it's starting to wear off cos both of them are becoming more mature and eventually, they won't even remember why they hated each other in the first place.

2 years later.....
~Vivienne gets close with Brianna over time (over two years) and goes over to her house on a Saturday but doesn't realise that Jungkook is also there~

Vivienne's POV

"Hey Bri!! It feels like it's been ages since I've seen you!" I say as she opens the door for me and welcomes me into her small but cosy home.

"Seriously, Viv? I saw you at school yesterday."

"Well, it still feels like a long time."

"I'm not gonna lie, I always look forward to talking to you at school."

"Really? Girl, me too. No one else understands me as well as you."

"Aw, shucks. You flatter me too much Viv. Take a seat on the couch." And with that, she goes to the kitchen to get some snacks.

I walk over to the couch and as I'm on my way, I catch a glimpse of the back of a very familiar head.

Could it be?

I walk over and sit down next to him anyway.

He glances up at me and for a second, you could tell he's kinda confused.

"Oh," Jungkook says. "You're here. Didn't realise you were coming."

Well, he's being terribly nice compared to his usual self, I think.

I decide to try and be nice to him too.

"Yeah, just wanted some company. My mum's on her way to a meeting and I didn't want to stay home alone."

"Well," Bri says as she walks back with the snacks in her arms. "Looks like you two got comfy."

Jungkook and I both shoot her confused looks.

He was being nice to me, I think to myself. So, I was being nice to him. No big deal.

"Okay then." Bri says after seeing that she wouldn't get any exciting responses from us.

"Let's go to the TV, Viv." She says. "We'll watch a movie. Also, Viv, you okay with Kook coming with us?"

"Uh, yeah. Why would you think I'm not okay with him coming?"

"Nothing. Just, you know, making sure we're on friendly terms."

Then, turning to Kook, she says "You wanna come watch a movie with me and Vivienne?"

He replies, "Sure. Why not?"

Brianna's POV

Wow, they actually agreed to take part in an activity that requires to almost interact with each other.


I guess it's wearing off.

Thank goodness.

A year later in their first year of university.......

~so somehow Vivienne and Jungkook actually ended up exchanging numbers at some point during their last year of high school and actually became pretty good friends. Brianna got used to it too. They're a trio now. (Btw, Brianna still has the same boyfriend from when Vivienne first joined their high school)~

Text messages

Kook: Heyyyyy
Viv: Sup
Viv: wyd
Kook: texting you, obviously
Viv: genius
Kook: well, i was studying before... I stopped now
Viv: for someone that used to get A+ for every subject in high school, except english, ur pretty dumb
Kook: come on, Viv. my english wasn't that bad 😑😑
Viv: u knw it was pretty bad
Kook: fine, i'll admit it 😞
Viv: I'm screenshotting this, i need a memory of this precious day 😜
Kook: ur weird, not that I didn't knw that already
Kook: jokes aside, u wanna meet up for coffee this sat.?
Viv: Kook, u didn't have to point that out. we both already know im weird
Viv: and yes i'll come for coffee but im gonna be ordering tea
Kook: then why'd u say ur coming for coffee?
Viv: u knw what i mean
Kook: yeah. anyway, see ya on sat.
Viv: Byeeeeeee
Kook: peace out
Viv: ur so old
Viv: im actually gonna go nw

Viv: wait, one more thing
Kook: what
Viv: remember when u used to hate me?
Kook: yeah lol
Kook: i don't even know why tho lmao
Viv: ikr all i remember is that u hated me
Viv: it actually hurt me at the time
Viv: but that's the past now lol so dw
Kook: im sorry :(
Viv: u being sarcastic?
Kook: no, im actually sorry
Kook: ur pretty nice so idk why i hated u
Viv: haha i appreciate the flattery
Kook: it's true tho
Viv: thanks 😊 also......

Viv: u know i hated u when we first got to knw each other. But i had massive crush on u at the same time yassssss girl confession, girl power
Kook: oh
Viv: lmao 😂😂😂


Viv: u there?
Kook: yeah lol just figuring out how i should tell u that i still like you
Viv: oh
Kook: it's my turn to laugh
Viv: 😂😂😂
Viv: see ya on Saturday

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