Him over me (V- request) pt.1

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bts_v_alien hope u like it! I put a lot of effort into this since ur my first request :)))) xx
This is gonna be in four parts btw just to keep it interesting ;)

Also guys i say 'maths' not 'math' cos im from Australia so pls forgive me if my spelling is different for any words.

Anna's POV

I'm waiting for the bell for last period.


3:23 pm. School finishes at 3:30.

Mr Lynch is up at the white board, eyes busy. He's looking at the answers the students are writing to the maths equations on the board.

Matthew, one of the students writing, stops abruptly in the middle of writing his answer.

I know that feeling. That feeling when you realise that you have no clue what you're doing.

Matthew, however, is brave enough to continue with the equation.

"Wrong," Mr Lynch says. "Can we have another volunteer please?"

Shit, I think. Don't make eye contact.

Just as I finish the thought, Mr Lynch calls my name.

"Anna. How about you?"

"But sir," I reply. "There's only four minutes till the end of class."

"Come on up, Anna. It'll only take you four minutes to do the equation."

"But Matthew took like six minutes." I'm trying to stall him. I look at the clock.

Three minutes left.


"Sir, do I really have to?"

"Yes, Anna."

Two minutes left.

"Fine. I'll do it sir."

"Good, now come up to the board. You can't solve it from your seat."

"Can I pack my bag first, sir? Just so I can leave class as soon as possible."

"If that's the reason, then no."

One minute left.

"Sir, do you really want me to miss my bus and end up getting home at like six pm? 'Cause you know how late the drivers can be."

"Anna, come to the board now."


I get out of my seat and start walking towards the board.

I'm halfway there when the bell rings.

Yessss, I think.

I rush back to my seat and get my bag, ready to literally sprint out of the class.

As I turn towards the door, however, I see an annoyed Mr Lynch in front of me.

"Anna, I know you're great at maths but that doesn't automatically excuse you from solving equations on the board."

"I'm really sorry, sir. But it's Thursday." Gesturing with my index finger and thumb, I say "It's this close to Friday."

"Oh, Anna, what do I do with you."

"You know you can't hate me, sir." I say with the most innocent smile manageable.

And with that, I know I'm excused so I proceed to the door and head out.

Right outside the door, I see Tae waiting for me. My best friend of nine years. Yep, best friends since year 1 (1st grade).

"Why the hell did you take so long?," He asks as he motions for me to speed-walk with him to the bus. "We might miss the bus."

I start walking as fast as possible.

"Mr Lynch was just telling me that I'm his favourite student."

"Yeah, sure." Tae replies. "What actually happened?"

"He was making us solve equations on the board. Let's just say I got out of it."



Out of the corner of my eye, I see him roll his eyes.

"That's not fair, Anna. I have to do it every maths class. EVERY. CLASS."

I give him a close eyed, wide, teeth smile.

The bus is about to leave when we arrive. We start banging on the door like chimps.

Thankfully, the driver notices and opens the door for us.

"You guys got lucky." Says the driver.

"Tell me about it." Replies Tae. He gives me a glance out of the corner of his eye. More like a glare, actually.

"My mum would've been so pissed if she had to pick me up after work again." He says.

"I know. I'm sorry. I really am."

He sighs. "Don't worry about it. At least we got on the bus." Phew, he breathes out.

"Oh, also. Tae, you're gonna have to help me with my English assignment. It's due tomorrow."

"English?! Anna, you know I'm horrible at English."

"Well, so am I. We're two halves of a whole idiot." Yasssss fairly oddparents reference woohooo.

At hearing this, he chuckles. "Fine, lol."

"So," I say. "My house or your house?"

"It's Thursday right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Then, your house. Your mum makes the most amazing tacos."

I smile. "I know she does."

Every Thursday at my house is Taco Thursday. It's to make up for the fact that my mum is a doctor and doesn't get to spend much time with the rest of my family, which includes my little sister and step-dad by the way.

My biological father left my mum for some diva when I was just two months old.

"Then, my house it is."

Omg im so excited to do the next three parts. This is my first request YAYAYAYAYAY
If u guys have any requests, just tell me and i'll do em for u :)))


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