Love has no distance: aftermath

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Um so this is the aftermath, enjoy :P

*screeches cos this is so avacxzfdjkemwml*

Also, like why do they call it 'aftermath' like this isn't happening after y'all did some math

* tf *

February 19th 2013  (im lookin at u, jhope)

"Morning, flower." Yoongi said as he carried french toast, bacon, eggs and strawberry milk on a breakfast-in-bed tray towards Bethany. *Sorry for referring to french toast so many times but I couldn't help myself cos french toast is actually life*

He had spent almost two hours in the morning trying to cook everything perfectly for Bethany. You see, he wasn't exactly an experienced cook. But he tried the very best that his meagre hands could do.

Bethany rolled over in bed, with the covers still wrapped around her aching body from sitting throughout the whole flight the day before. She hadn't even gotten up to go to the toilet, mostly because she didn't need to go but also because she was too busy thinking about seeing Yoongi again in person.

"Yoongi, why are you doing this to me?" She asked, not realising yet that he had brought breakfast for her. She wasn't a morning person. *byuntaeyang sorry i don't know if this is true but i did it to make it less boring* And on any other day, if any other person had woken her up, she would've actually been in the mood to give them a grimacing slap. But not this day. This day, it was Yoongi waking her up on their first day back together after months. There was no possible way to get cranky at him.

"Oh, sorry. I know you're not a morning person," he said guiltily. "But the least I could do after you returned was make you breakfast."

Bethany's heart leaped with love. He had made breakfast?

She swooned out loud, "Awwwwwwww. Yoongi, why- but I didn't even ask for it."

"I know. But I had to do something for you after all these months of not being able to do anything with you."

"And," he added. "I know that french toast and strawberry milk are your favourite."

"What?! You made me french toast?"

Before Yoongi could even think about what to say next, Bethany grabbed a piece of french toast from the tray and started wolfing it down.

"Mmmmmmm. Oh my goodness, Yoongi. You're the best. This is getting real serious, Yoongi. You know how I feel about food."

Then, Yoongi laughed. It was something he hadn't done during the time that Bethany was in China. He hadn't been able to do it because Bethany wasn't there with him to join.

Bethany smiled through her full mouth. "Ah rrove woo."

"I love you too, Beth." He replied.


"So, what ice cream do you want?" Yoongi asked Bethany.

They had decided to spend the whole day together since they literally hadn't seen each other for months. They never verbally decided on it. It was more of a mutual agreement.

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