Bts dates at the beach- Jin

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EVERYONE STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING, the pink princess has arrived 👑👑👑💗💗💗

It's been so long since I've done an imagine like this, it feels good ^^

~You and Jin are at the beach, cycling~

You and Jin are pedalling on a two seater bicycle. You're at the front and he's at the back. There's a sidewalk on a small cliff next to the beach that you're at. You're cycling on the sidewalk. Trees and shrubs surround you with their lush green leaves and plump flowers.

"Jin oppa, this is so relaxing." You say.

"I know, with all the trees and nature surrounding us, it's impossible to not feel like you're in a fairytale." He agrees.

That's what you love about Jin so much. He appreciates the beauty in almost everything. And of course, you can't forget the fact that Jin himself is quite handsome too. You smile at the thought.

Every now and then, Jin points out little things. Little but beautiful.

"Hey Y/N. Look over there. You see how the water down at the beach is reflecting off a rainbow?"

You turn to look.

"Wow. Jin oppa, you have eyes for the smallest things. But it really is beautiful."

And in the small moment that you turn to look, your phone slips out of your loose pants' pockets. And with the kinda high speed that you're both going on the cycle, it clatters across the whole width of the sidewalk and seems to stop right under the railing at the edge of the cliff you're on.

But another cyclist zooms by and your phone goes over the side of the cliff.

"Jin oppa! Stop!"

Jin is alarmed by your sudden exclamation. He calmly but quickly stops the cycle, apologising to anyone who he's holding up behind him.

"What happened Y/N? Are you okay? Did you tear a muscle or something from cycling too much? Or are you just tired? Are you dehydrated? Did you have en-"

"Oppa, stop. It's nothing that serious."

"Well, good 'cause you scared my nipples off me."

You giggle at his statement.

"Sorry, oppa. It's just that my phone went over the cliff."

"Oh, we can sort that out. You're lucky that there's a beach right under the cliff, which means your phone didn't go splashing into the water."

"What do we do?"

"Alright, so we'll first take our cycle off this sidewalk and park it on the side somewhere." Jin was getting his mum game on.

"Then," he continues. "Well, we'll see what we can do after that."

You both take the cycle off the sidewalk and secure it with a tyre lock. Right after this, Jin walks off without a word and goes over the railing and over side of the cliff.

Highly alarmed and scared crapless, you run over to the railing and peer down just in time for you to see him land on the sand with a James Bond-style somersault.

"Jin oppa, you little dimwit! You scared the crap outa me."

He motions for you to be quiet and starts searching among the sand and brush for your phone. He's on a mission, well that's what he thinks anyway. You know he'll do anything for you, even if it means looking like an idiot.

After a couple more minutes of searching, he yells "Found it! I found my jagi's phone!!!"

You start laughing because he looks ridiculous holding the phone up in the air like a child who found treasure. But you're also so grateful to have someone like him to always be there for you.

With no way to get back up onto the sidewalk since the cliff is flat all the way up, Jin turns and walks towards the stairs on the beach that would lead him up to the cliff. It was a fairly lengthy distance from where they had parked the bicycle. So, you start walking towards it too.

Both of you reach the stairs at the same time, with Jin already being at the top.

"Here you go jagi. Your phone, rescued by the one and only Kim Seokjin, doesn't even have a scratch on it."

Both of you start laughing.

He takes into his arms and holds your head close to his chest. After that, he takes your shoulders and pushes you back enough to gaze down at you.

Both of you lean in for the kiss, with your two seater bicycle long forgotten.


I have nothing else special to say except that I hope u enjoyed it :)))))

- Signing out



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