"Mommy, we here!" Shilah said trying her best to carry everything by herself and come out at the same time. I smiled and helped her. She turned around and smiled at me thinking that she came down all by herself. I played with the little bun I gave her and walked behind her. I felt something weird build up from the pit of my stomach. I didn't feel sick, I felt nervous, and a teenager in love. I looked around and I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. I walked over to the elevator where Shilah was talking to an adorable little boy. Something about the boy had me wanting to love him. I walked over and Shilah, left the little boy to play all by himself. That's a Shy quality, Not Aijah or Shiloh but the notorious Shy. We walked over to the elevator and the little boy looked around looking for Shilah. When My gaze met his we just stared at each other. I stood in the elevator, astonished on how much the little boy looked like Remo, but the younger version of course. I pressed the floor we had to go to. When we reached, I walked out and that stupid feeling came back. I wondered if I was hungry but I never ate breakfast. I walked over to my office and let Shilah sit in there with Sierra and I's assistant. I went to find Sierra, she was in the conference room with some customers talking about loction and time. I was walking past when the strange feeling became stronger. My cheeks were becoming warm, and I knew only one person who always did this to me. I knew he couldn't be here my last update told me that he lives in the house we once shared with that Alize chick and Alexander. See I would've never minded if it was only Alexander but the fact he stayed with Alize instead of being with me broke my heart.

"Ms. Aijah, Ms. Sierra would like your input on the location." I heard my assistant say. I nodded.

"Tell her that I'll be there shortly." I said walking to the mini kitchen I got there grabbed a coffee cup poured some. I hated the taste of coffee but I figured it would make the go away for away. I was walking back to the conference room, but it looked like the girls beat me to it. Shilah was standing next to some man in a suit, with no tie. I heard her laughter, loudly through the door. She was truly happy. Which is weird she usually doesn't laugh that hard unless she's around me. I opened the door and Shilah looked up.

"Hi MOMMY meet my new friends!!" I looked up smiled not really paying much attention to anyone except the one that was making my princess happy, I walked over squatted next to her. She was playing some new game. It was when I heard Sierra gasp. I looked over and she just stared. I accidently touched the man's arm while I was getting up. I almost immediately felt sparks. It was the weirdest thing. We looked at each other and I was about to scream. The feelings thatI felt couldn't even be imagined.


Out of shock I picked up Shilah and ran to my office, I felt his presence following right behind me. I walked into my office as soon as I sweetly let Shilah out of my arms. I turned to see him staring at me. Ever since I had Shilah, some places on my body never snapped back. My boobs were larger and so was my ass. He looked over me then his eyes went to a now scared Shilah, she was standing behind my leg fearing the silence. After a while he just looked at the both of us.

"Shiloh, why are you here?" I asked, he just stood there looking at me and Shilah.

"Answer, My mommy!!" Shilah yelled out. I smiled, so did Shy he knows that he does the same thing. Shilah became very interested when he smiled and his dimples peeped because she started to touch her own face. I felt as she moved away from me and looked from me to Shy. I was wondering what was about to come through her little smart mouth. But I wasn't prepared for what she was about to say.

Shiloh "Shy" Brown


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