
"'Lana, 'Lana!" Marie and Clark squealed, running to the blue-skinned Rannian.

"Marie, Clark, it is good to see you," Allana Strange was an alien immigrant from the planet Rann. She had traveled to Earth to assist Doctor Adam Strange with his research involving instantaneous interplanetary transportation, and she had never left.

"Connor, M'gann, so good to see you!" Adam, Allana's husband and Chief scientist at STAR Labs, shook hands with M'gann and Connor.

"Good to see you too," Connor smiled, holding Martin wrapped in the soft blue blanket tightly knit by Ma Kent.

"Hey Martin, long time no see," the strange scientist joked. Martin just blinked boredly.

"Doctor Wilcox is waiting for you. If you want, Allana can take Marie and Clark while we sort this out."

"That would be great," M'gann sighed with relief. "It's hard to find someone willing to babysit Martian-Kryptonian hybrids, but they love Allana."

"She loves them too," Strange smiled as he watched Allana lead Marie and Clark to the STAR Labs play area, for kids who came to visit.

Adam led the couple and their son through a labyrinth of polished halls and white labcoats, only pausing to grab a few coffees from the cafe.

"Just in here," he led them into the meta-human lab, where they tested the abilities of the many super-powered individuals that had sparked ever since the Invasion.

"Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Kent! How are you?"

"Just fine, thanks." M'gann shook hands with the Doctor. 

"Where are Marie and Clark?" Wilcox briefly glanced at the ground.

"They're playing with Allana, don't worry. And it's not them we're worried about. I think something's wrong with Martin. Call it motherly intuition, I don't know, but something's...off about him."

"What powers has he displayed so far?" Wilcox asked, holding out his arms and silently asking permission from Connor to take the baby, who didn't utter a peep.

"He floats, but only in his sleep. He has telepathic communication like his sister, and he has exhibited above-average strength for a child his age."Connor listed.

"He won't react to anything!" M'gann said in distress. Connor squeezed her hand.

"Well, Hardly anything. Wolf will bark in the middle of the night and he won't wake up, Marie will fall from her flight and cry but he just sits there, the tractor will be rumbling right outside but it doesn't seem to bother him. He'll just cry for no reason and I don't know what to do for him," M'gann's lower lip trembled and she crossed her right arm over her chest to hold her left arm. Connor supportively put his arm around her shoulders.

"We'll do what we can, I promise," Wilcox said.

Connor and M'gann were made to wait outside, but Adam assured them he'd stick with Martin until the end. They made a trip to the cafeteria and got some snacks for the kids, watched them play with Allana, and waited impatiently until Adam came back to get them.

"I have some bad news for you," Wilcox said, Handing Martin back to M'gann. He was starting to fuss again, and M'gann hushed him, but that only seemed to make him fuss more.

"What's the bad news?" Connor asked. His eyes flicked between his son and Doctor Wilcox.

Wilcox wrung his hands, prolonging the agony and putting the Kents on edge.

"Martin is deaf."



"Yeah," Megan sighed, looking down at her baby boy. She'd hardly been able to put him down since they'd left STAR Labs two days ago. Artemis, Zatanna, Raquel, and Jade had come to visit for their weekly playdate. 

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