Chapter 19

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*Rose's POV*

"Eleanor? You're Keelan's sister?" I asked.

"Yes, that's me." She said as she came over and took a seat next to me.


"How am I alive? Well easy to say I was never dead." She said simply.

"But Henry sent them your ashes."

"It wasn't mine it was an animal's."

"But why did he tell them you're dead?"

"So that they wouldn't search for me. After I came back with Henry I had hope he'll change his ways, but I was wrong. The abuse only got worse and worse, and when I couldn't handle it anymore I told him I was going home. He refused and locked me in the dungeon."

"You've been here all along." She nodded and I could see she had her father's eyes. Her face looked older than Keelan said she were. She didn't look two years older than them.

After a few minutes of silence she began to speak again. "I thought he would change after we bonded, but he didn't. He grew more angry with each passing day and he started to grasp at every coin he could get his hands on. He wanted power, and as he grew stronger I could see he was no longer the man I loved." She said as she stared infront of her recalling distant memories.

"I don't quite understand." I said.
"Of course, sorry. How much do you know about fae and their powers?" She asked.

"I know a thing or two about them."

"Do you know what is meant by the term bonding?" She asked and I shook my head, no.

"Well bonding is like marriage, but only in fae terms. You see when fae get married they bond, and if they bond they share their life force with each other. The life force is a beautiful thing, you can give a little of yours to your loved one if they ask, but it's your choice. When I bonded with Henry he told me to sign a contract, he said it was something about the treaty between our kingdoms. So I did, but it was a magical contract drawn up by an old wizard. I'm bound to that contract."

"What does that contract say?" I ask curiously.

"That I'm obliged to give some of my life force to Henry whenever asked. And that is why I appear older, his stolen a lot of my life force." She said with a sigh. I felt horrible. How could he do that to her.

"That's why I'm stuck here, with the loss of all my life force, my powers are extremely weak, I can barely use them. Which in turn has made Henry powerful." Even though I have only recently discovered my gifts I don't know how life would be without them.

"I'm sorry." I said as I placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"It's not your fault."

"Doesn't a fae life force regenerate from time to time?" I asked as I recalled something I've read in the library.

"It does, but then he only takes it again." I felt the anger buzzing feeling spreading through me.

"That son of a formoggal." I said out of frustration. How could he be so mean? What did she ever do to him?

I was still fuming when I heard Eleanor letting out a giggle. I turned around to face her. I gave her a perplexed look with a raised eyebrow.

"What?" I asked.

"I can clearly see that you've been spending quite some time with that brother of mine." She said with a small smile. I felt my cheeks heat up as I stared at the greasy ground.

"So your the one?" She asked out of the blue.

"Excuse me?"

"The one who saved his life. That pendant he supposedly lost in the pond, I always had a feeling he didn't loose it." She said.

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