Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I guess I shouldn't have been surprised about his condition. I was after all his prisoner and I couldn't run around freely.

I nodded in agreement before he opened the door and led me down the stairs. I thought he would tie me up first, but I guess I was wrong. All the windows were wide open and I could feel the breeze against my skin. The breeze felt like heaven and I couldn't wait to run around.

When the front doors were opened for us I immediately dashed outside. Not to get away but only to experience the outside world again.

I was in mid stride when a invisible force pulled me back by my wrist. I looked down at what caused my sudden stop but there was nothing around my wrist.

I turned around only to see a smirking Prince.

"Did you really think I would let you go so easy?" He asked.

"I wasn't trying to escape, I only wanted to run." I huffed.

"Of course you didn't. Now let's walk so I could return to my duties." He said before he walked off and I was pulled after him by that same invisible force.

He walked about briskly and I had to run to keep up with him. My small, short legs were no match for his long ones. I took in the gardens around me as I couldn't believe this was the same man I danced with.

We walked around the castle and explored the gardens for a few minutes before he said I had enough fresh air for today. I wanted to walk around some more, but I knew that was not going to happen. The walk back to the entrance was equally quiet and the Prince indicated that I could go first.

I guess he had manners, that was quite a surprise. I was so shocked at his chivalry that I didn't look where I was going which caused me to tumble backwards. I was about to fall down the stairs, but two strong arms immediately shot out and grabbed me around my waist.

When I looked up I came face to face with Keelan. His blue eyes bore into mine.

"It's you." I said.

He stared into my eyes as if in a trance and my words broke him out of his trance. He pulled me up so that I was steady on my feet before he let go.

"What do you mean 'it's you'?" He asked.

"You're the stranger I danced with at the coming of age ball."

"What? Don't be absurd. Why would a faery Prince attend a human coming of age ball? This fresh air didn't really do you any good." He said before he pulled me inside the castle. When we entered he called a knight over and instructed him to return me to my room. Keelan couldn't get away from me fast enough.

I could only shake my head, would I ever be able to understand this complex man?

The knight led me back to my tower and I was yet again stuck in my small room. If only I could earn Keelan's trust, then he'll allow me to go outside on my own.

A knock came from my door and I perched up at the sound. I granted entrance and heard the key's movement a few seconds later.

The door was opened and a beautiful woman with gorgeous blonde hair stepped in. She wore a blue dress that complimented her stunning figure.

She gave me a bright smile before she closed the door behind her. You could immediately see that she was related to Keelan and I was certain she was his mother.

She walked to the bed I was perched upon.

"May I have a seat?" She asked.

The queen of the faeries was asking me if she could sit, strange things do happen in this land.

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