Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"What's the plan?" My father asked as we stepped into the throne room.

"Making him suffer. He is never going to hear about her ever again. He will never see the woman he loves again." I said.

"Keelan, don't you think that is too drastic? There are other ways in starting a war besides taking his loved one." My father reasoned.

"No, he took my sister he will feel my pain. I don't just want a war, I want him to suffer. He'll never see her again." I said.

Just then Ms Mousy stepped in.

"Your Highness, Ms Thorne has asked to see you." She said.

"Let's go see what the prisoner wants." I said before I walked out the room and to the tower.

I unlocked the door and knocked. I heard a small voice beckoning me to come in before I entered. Rose was sitting on her bed when I entered.

"You asked to see me." I drawled.

"Yes, please you have to let me go. What ever you want Henry will give it to you. Please let me go." She said as she stood up with a pleading look on her face.
I let out a hearty laugh.

"Oh princess, there is nothing your Prince has that I want or need. Now I suggest you make yourself at home, because you'll be staying here for a while." I said.

"Why are you doing this?" She asked.

I took a step closer towards her. "Because I want him to suffer."

"What did he do to you?" She asked.

"Nothing that concerns you, and what would you know about his cruelty anyway?! He is your Prince charming, a man who can do nothing but good." I said through clenched teeth. She looked away, there was a glimmer in her eyes, was she on the verge of crying?

"Please, he'll think I ran away." She said.

"Unfortunately not." I said.

"What do you mean?"

"If you must know I left a note."

"How much do you want?"

"Like I said before, nothing. I only said he should await my orders, but I'm not going to send any. And if I feel he suffered long enough I'll send a note saying I killed you." I said.

"You're not going to kill me, are you?" She asked. That was a question.

"Well it depends on your behaviour. Now I have to run, we'll talk again." I said before I left and locked the door. I didn't want to explain myself to her anymore. She already knew to much.


Rose's POV

I was devastated, how long was I to stay here? I didn't want to stay here, I wanted to go home.


Where was that? I thought my home was with Henry, but no that was just another prison. Home was with my mother, but I won't be able to return because it will only be a matter of time before Henry finds me and I'll be dragged back to my other prison.

I had no where to go, every place I once thought of as home, was only going to lead to another prison. All I could do was only hope that Henry doesn't harm my mother.

Maybe this is a good thing, me being kidnapped. I wished for a way out of that marriage and I got one. If only the fae Prince knew how much he helped me.

The fae Prince was yet another mystery. His eyes were as clear as the ocean sea and I couldn't help but feel like I've seen them before. His eyes were very familiar and I tried my best to recall where I've seen them before.

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