Chapter 17

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Rose's POV

Two days went by as we stayed at the enchantress and we still didn't receive any answers. It was as if my mother avoided the conversation every time I brought it up. So much for receiving our answers shortly.

On the second night I wanted to burst. I wanted answers so badly, but the enchantress and my mother weren't eager to give, only giving excuses to delay the truth. So I decided to get some fresh air outside. I sat on the grass staring up at the sky.

I closed my eyes and took a big breath enjoying the tranquility outside. I heard footsteps behind me but decided to ignore it. I heard someone sit beside me and when I looked I saw my mother.

"I talked with the enchantress, she agreed that we couldn't avoid the truth anymore and we decided to discuss this tomorrow morning." She said with a sigh.

"Thank you." Was all I could say.

"Do you love him?" My mother asked right as Keelan was busy attending to the horses.

"I don't know." I answered honestly, I knew that I cared for him a lot and I can't even imagine what my life would be without him, but was it love?

"Don't worry, darling. You'll know soon enough." She said as she patted me on the shoulder before she left me to my own thoughts.


The next morning after breakfast my mother, Carling, Keelan and I sat in the living room together around the fireplace as we waited for them to answer our questions.

My mother let out a sigh before she started to speak, "Richard and I grew up together. We fell in love with each other immediately and I couldn't spend enough time with him. He was my everything and I enjoyed all his stories of the fae realm. We spent every moment we got together. I was beyond excited when he proposed and I couldn't wait to start a life with him." She said as her voice started to break.

"The following week a sickness befell the village and my parents died, and the very same afternoon Richard's father showed up and told me that he passed away as well." She said as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"I was saddened and I had no choice but to carry on. I was lonely, until I met Carling in the woods one day. She asked me if I wanted a child and I answered yes. She took me to her cabin and gave me a rose. Darling, it was a wishing rose and I wished for you and the next day there you were, a healthy baby girl. A real wish come true."

"That's...that's why I have magical powers." I stuttered.

"Yes dear," Carling said, "Your born of a wishing rose which gave you magical properties. You are a magical being." She said. My stumach churned and I suddenly felt sick, very sick.

"But it doesn't make sense, why did my powers emerge now all of the sudden?" I asked.

"I believe it has something to do with Keelan." The enchantress said.

"Me?" Keelan asked from beside me.

"Yes, you came in close contact with her and in turn you awakened her powers."

"How is that possible?" Keelan asked confused.

"I'm not sure, but there is a legend."

"What legend?" I asked.

"A legend about a girl born of roses."

"It's the same as in my dreams." Keelan murmured.

"Exactly, you dreamt of her and the legend, that leads me to one conclusion." The enchantress said.

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