Chapter 24

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Me and Justin pull away from each other and breathe heavily, as we lay on the bed. We did it several times tonight, or should I say, morning. We, obviously, didn't sleep.

"Wanna go again?" I suggest. Justin bursted into laughter. "Wow." He said. I laugh and pull the covers over me. "Come on!" I protest. "Please," I give him my best puppy dog look. He smiled and kissed my forehead. "As tempting it is, I have a job. I'm late for work."

I groan, as he climbed out of the bed. He smiled and wore his clothes. "I'll make it up tonight," he said, smirking. I nod and get up. I wrap my naked body with the sheets. I walk towards him.

"Yup, you can start making me dinner. And, then we'll hit it. Tonight, it's your house," I say. He laughed. "Hit it?" He said.

I roll my eyes. "You know, what I meant." I say. Justin chuckled and buttoned up his new shirt, that Daya brought. Cause, you know, I ripped his old one. I smile at him. "Ok, how do I look?" He asked.

Before I could give him a proper compliment, I blurted out: "perfect," he laughed and kissed me passionately. I kiss back. "Thank you," he walked closer and wrapped his arms around my waist. He kissed my lips. "So, you're staying?" I murmur jokingly, against his lips.

He laughed and pulled away. "I have to go. Bye, Liz," we kiss again and he leaves the room.

I sigh and went to the bathroom. I shower and get dressed. I curl my hair and apply makeup. I walk out of my room and to the children's room. They were still asleep. It's 10 o clock.

I went straight to the dining hall for breakfast. I smile at the servants, as I pass by. Dad was looking at me weirdly, as he sipped his iced tea. I give him a look and spread the napkin over my lap. "What, dad?"

"Oh, it's nothing. You're awfully happy today. Did you win the lottery today?" Dad joked and walked over to me to sit down at the head of the table. I smile and shrug. "Yeah. Well, I chose to be happy today," I say. Daya accidently let out a giggle, as she served me my breakfast.

I turn to glare at her. She cleared her throat and walked out of the dining hall quickly. "Well, what was that about?" Dad asked, weirdly. Before I could answer, the door bursted open and came my children.

Ben and Ella ran to my arms. I smile. "Good morning, mommy!" The two said, at the same time. I kiss their cheeks. "Good morning, Ben and Ella."

They giggled. Dad smiled at them. My IPhone rang loudly. I hit answer, without looking. "Liz! When are you coming?! I need help with the catering!" I hear Amanda yell loudly. I sigh. "I'll be there in 10," I say and hang up.

"Who was it?" Dad asked. "Amanda. I need to go help her at the reception. She's having trouble with the catering problem. And, tomorrrow is her wedding. So, I need to go."

Dad nodded. I hug him goodbye and kiss Ben and Ella. I quickly get out of the house and to my car. I drive off to the reception, where they are getting married. It takes about half an hour to get there.

I walk in the wedding reception. It was really big.

Amanda was walking around and inspecting everything. She breathed out a sigh of relief, when she saw me. I smile and walk up to her. I hug her tightly. She hugged back warmly. "Hey, Mands," I say. She smiled and pulled away. "I'm so glad you're here. I'm all alone. God, I wish my parenta and Ben was here with me today.

My expression changed when she mentioned Ben. She realized that she said the wrong thing and started to apologize, but was cut off by Louise. "Hey, guys! Liz, you're finally here. Let's go! I need help with the lights," said Louise, walking towards us.

I nod and walk away from Amanda. Louise gave me some these small baby lights, the ones like Christmas. I walk up the ladder and pull my arms up to fix them in the proper place. Louise stared up at me. "Be careful up there!" She said. I nod.

But then, my head starts to spin. Everything becomes blurry. I held my head. Louise says something to me. I see the panic in her face, but can't do anything. And, the next thing I know, is that I fall and hit the cold, hard ground.


I open my eyes. I take in my surroundings. This is my room. What the hell happened? I sigh and pull the sheets off my body. I was dressed in sweats. Who changed me? "I see you're awake," I hear a strong male voice. I squint in the darkness and see Justin, closing the door.

He smiled slightly. "What happened?" I asked. But before he could answer, I felt vomit rising in my throat. I super sped to the bathroom and vomit. Yuck. I don't want Justin seeing me like this. I lean my head against the toilet and breathe heavily.

I feel strong hands wrap around my hair. Justin. He pulled them up. I vomit even more. Eww.

I brush my mouth and gurgle multiple times. Justin brings me water. I take it and chug it down. He had a perplexed look on his face. "Justin, what happened? I can't remember anything." I say.

"You fainted. The doctor came by. And, he told that you're..." he trailed off. That troubled me even more. His eyes were straight. I couldn't tell what he was thinking. "I'm what, Justin?" I snap. He took a deep breath and looked at my eyes. "He said, that you're pregnant."

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