Chapter 7

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"I love you, Liz. I will always love you." Justin kissed my cheek. I smile and kiss him. "Love you too, J." I murmur. We pull away and walk down my stairs. We walk to the front door. Justin hugged me and kissed me. "I'll see you later, babe." He said, as we hugged. He left. I close the door and sigh. I can't be with him. Not when all this is happening.

"So, a vampire hunter is in town?" Margaret's voice said from the living room. I hear some muffled noises. I walk inside the room. Mum, Dad and Margaret all looked at me. I look at them weirdly. "Vampire hunter?" I ask, and plop down on the couch beside Margaret. I throw her legs away from the couch so I can sit. She rolled her eyes.

"Yes. Apparently, there are many of them." Dad answered and sighed. "I think we should call Benjamin. He can help us." My eys shoot up at the mention of his name. Mum noticed it and smiled. "Why Benjamin? We can do this without him." I say, getting up. Dad frowned. "What is wrong with him helping us? He will come tonight and we'll discuss our plans of taking the hunters down." He pulled out his phone and dialed Benjamin.

I groan and sit back on the couch. "What's up with you?" Margaret asked, sitting up straight. I sigh. "Last night... me and Benjamjn kissed." I say. They all look at me weirdly. "Aren't you with Justin?" Margaret asked, weirdly. "I am. But... I don't know. We just sort of kissed. And, it's going to be really awkward now."

"I can cancel him if you want, sweetie." Dad said. I shook my head. "No. It's fine." I say. Alhough, it's not going to be fine. It's going to be awkward as hell.

The doorbell rang. "Wow. Now, that's fast." Margaret said and got up from the couch. She walked out. Father and mother walked to me and sat down beside me. They hugged me. I sigh and hug back.

The door of the living room opened, revealing Margaret and Benjamin. He locked his eyes with me. I feel myself blush and look away. Dad got up and walked to Benjamin. They started to talk about stuff about the hunters.

Benjamin kept glancing at me. I flush.

I got up from the couch and walk out. I get out of the house. There was a swing on the porch. I sit down and look up at the stars. The front door opened and Margaret came with two glasses of cocoa. She had blankets on her neck. I smile slightly. She smiled and sat down on the swing beside me. "Thanks," I press my lips to the glass and drink the hot cocoa.

"No problem. Figured you want some. You know, boy problems." Margaret said. I chuckled dryly.

"Talk to me." She said, looking at me. Her cheeks were puffed out and her nose was red. She had her sweater on, which made her look cute. But, I was not in the mood to compliment anyone. "About what?" I ask.

"Justin and Ben." She answered. I sighed deeply and stared down at my mug. "Justin is sweet and he cares for me. And, don't get me wrong, I love him too. But, he's human, Margaret. And, I can't trap him in the vampire world. He's so human. And, I feel bad for him. That he's stuck with me. A useless hybrid."

"So, what's the problem?" She asked confusedly. I give her a knowing look. "I think you know what's the problem." I reply.

"Ben," said she. I nod. I take a sip. "When I'm with him, it just completes me. And, I know that it's wrong to love them both. That's just screwed up. And, last night, Benjamin told me he loved me... and I didn't know what to say."

"Wow," she said. I chuckled. "Yup." I finish drinking and hand the mug to her. She gave me a blanket and walked inside the house. I pulled the blanket close to me, as I stare outside. The door creaked open, and Benjamin walked in. I straightened up. He gave me a small smile.

I get up from the swing and start to walk away from him. Ben grabbed my hand. I turn around. "How long are you going to ignore me?" He asked, walking closer to me. I sigh and put my hands on his chest, trying to make some distance. He looked at my lips. I shook my head.

"Ben..." I trail off. "You cannot kiss me again. It's just not right. I'm with Justin. He loves me. And, I... I can't kiss you. Not anymore. I'm sorry." I said and walked inside the house. I hurry upstairs and go to my room. I sigh and drop to my bed.

I take out my phone and dialed Justin's number. He didn't answer. I frown. That's unusual. He always answers my calls. Maybe he's busy or something. And, he got his job as an intern, so he must be busy.

The door creaked open, revealing Margaret. She sat down next to me. I stare at the ceiling. "Do you need something, Margaret? I want to be alone." I say, sitting upstraight. She rolled her eyes. "Rude. And, yes, I do need you for something." She said, ruffling her dark hair. "And, that is?" I ask, sighing.

"Can I borrow your red dress?" She asked, blushing. "I'm going on a date with Devin. I need the dress." She said, embarassed. I chuckled. "Ok. It's in my closet." I lay down again and stare at the ceiling. She literally ran to the closet and pulled out my red mini cocktail dress.

"Be sure to take a coat. It's quite chilly outside." I remind her. "Thanks!" She walked out of my room and shut the door. I sigh and pulled the duvet over my body. I close my eyes and fall in slumber.

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