Chapter 23

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"Ok, babe. I gotta go now. I love you, bye!" Amanda said through the phone. I turn the steering wheel left. "No, I love you more!" Amanda said. Louise and I roll our eyes. "No! I love you the most!" Amanda argued playfully.

I sigh. I wish I had a relationship like that. After Ben, I've never been with someone else. I am lonely. And trust me, it's not a good feeling. All of us want to have that special bond with that special someone. I had that with Ben. But, after he died, there was no one. And, loneliness invaded me.

Louise sighed and turned forward and took her phone. She ended the call. Amanda glared at her. "Someone had to stop you guys," I say to her. Amanda grumbled and looked front. Louise and I chuckle lightly.

We finally reach the shopping mall. We were going to shop for Amanda's wedding dress and the bridesmaid dresses.

We climb out of the car. We walk in the mall and first go to the bridesmaid shop. There was so many dresses and gowns. Me and Louise changed into many gowns and dresses. 

Amanda's choice was sophisticated. And, we were rummaging through gowns and dresses. "Ok, so, what color attracts you the most? It can help you pick." The shop lady told Amanda. Amanda thinks for a moment, after saying: "purple."

I groan. I hated purple.

Amanda glared at me. I plaster on a fake smile. "It's your wedding. Your choices," I say, obediently. Louise let out a laugh. Amanda smiled. "Thank you, Elizabeth."

I roll my eyes and Louise and I looked at ourselves in the mirror. We were dressed in lilac gowns, which looked absolutely horrible. I felt like barfing. Louise grimaced, while Amanda and the shop keeper talked about the dresses.

I laugh. "It's that bad, huh?" I say. Louise nodded sheepishly. I smile and hug her tightly. She was so cute sometimes. You know, if I was gay, I would totally date her. Any girl or boy, since she is bi, would be lucky to have her. Louise hugged me back.

"Ok, guys! I found the perfect dress for you!" Amanda exclaimed, showing us both purple dresses. We stare at it. It wasn't so bad. Louise and I walk to the trial room and get changed.

Our designs were different. Mine had lace in the shoulder, and Louise' one was simple and beautiful. We both looked beautiful.

"Oh my god! You guys look amazing!" Amanda exclaimed, when we walked out of the trial room. I laugh and spin around. Louise smiled. "Hmm. We're beautiful."

Our next stop was the bride's dress shop. Amanda tried on, like, a hundred gowns, after she found the right one. It was sleeveless and so big. Like fluffy. I could never wear that. But, she looked beautiful in it. So, we bought it.

We, then, ate at the food court. Amanda wanted to pay, but I paid. After that, Amanda went to her house. She was going to be pretty busy. It was her wedding, after all.

Now, I was driving Louise home. "You know, Justin's going to be best man," she said, smirking. I glance at her. "Really? Wow," said I. "Yeah. So, obviously, you guys are going to hook up. You know, it's been a tradition. The best man always hooks up with the bridesmaid."

I blush. "Nobody is going to hook up with anybody. Well, except Amanda and Derek. Anyways, I'm not going to hook up with Justin, okay?"

Louise rolled her eyes. "Sure," she dragged out the word. I reach her house and stop the car. "Ok, now get out," I say jokingly. Louise laughed and then we hugged. She climbed out of the car and went inside her house.

I drive off to my dad's mansion. I reach it in 20 minutes. I walk up the porch and in the house. I sigh and walk in the living room. To my surprise, Justin was playing with Ben and Ella. He smirked, when he saw me and put Ella down to the couch.

I look away. I can't even look at him. If I do, I'm gonna blush. And, I don't want him to see me blush.

"Daya!" I call out the maid. Daya scurried in and courtseyed. I turn to look at Justin. We stare at each other. "Uh. It's Ben and Ella's bedtime. Put them to sleep," I say, still looking at Justin. Daya nodded. I kiss Ella and Ben good night and they leave.

I quickly turn to leave, but Justin super sped in front of me. I gulp. He blocks the way to the door. I frown. "What are you doing? Move!" I exclaim. Justin rolled his eyes. "Are you seriously going to pretend that nothing happened two days ago?"

"Uh... I can't talk now. You... uh.." I stutter. Justin looked at me with lust. "Stop looking at me, like you're seeing me naked!" I whisper yell. Justin smirked and leaned in my ear. He bit my ear lobe, which makes my knees go weak. Holy mother of saints.

"Can't talk right now?" He whispered huskily in my ear. Man, when the hell did he get so intimatading?

"Justin," I inhale sharply. "I thought I told you to call me J," he whispered darkly, as he kissed down my neck. I grab his shirt. Wow, this is new. Him, being so... dominate.

"J, not here. Let's go up to my room," I say. He chuckled darkly and kissed my neck. "Sure, baby."

We walk out the room. I walk up the grand staircase. He followed me. I walk to my room and open it. We walk in and I lock the door. I grab Justin's hand and throw him against the wall. Many big lamps fall down, but I couldn't care less now.

I super sped to him and kiss him with all my might. I rip off his shirt and kiss down his neck and abs. He breathed heavily and grabbed my hair. And, you could imagine how the rest of the night was.

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