Chapter 22

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I bite my lip and walk to Justin's front door. Will he like how I am now? I mean, I changed my hair. I hope, he likes brunettes. I grit my teeth and close my eyes. Come on, Liz. You're being a pussy. My consciousness tells me.

I roll my eyes and ring the doorbell. "Coming!" I hear his voice. Holy fuck.

The door bursts open, revealing a shirtless Justin. Pure shock was written on his face. I try not to roam my eyes over his body. I grit my teeth and look at his eyes. I smile slightly. "Hi."

He was still gaping. "Liz.. you're.. back?" He said. I smile widely and step closer. I nod, smiling. "Yes. It's me, Justin." I touch his shoulder. He starts smiling. I smiled back. "You're not going to give me a hug?" I chuckled.

He engulfed me in a tight, warm hug and I feel like I'm home. I wrap my arms around his waist and hug him tightly back. "Oh, Liz. Come in," he said, pulling away. I walk in and we walk in the living room. We sit down.

"How have you been?" I asked. He sighed and walked to the table to pour us some whiskey. "Well, I'm sure, you've heard that I'm a vampire now," he said. I sighed. "I'm sorry. I know you hate vampires. I'm sorry. But, it was the only way, J." I blush when I say his nickname.

He smirked a little bit. "Sorry, Justin. I'll try not to call you that again," my cheeks redden. His smirk got wider. "No. It's fine. Call me J. I like it."

I clear my throat. He gave me a glass filled with whiskey. I chug it down. Justin stared at me. "You changed your hair," he said thoughtfully. I shrug and put the glass on the table. "I needed a change."

"Did I ever say that I have a thing for brunettes?" Justin flirted. I laugh and ruffle my hair. "Thanks?" It came out more of a question.

Justin nodded and chugged his drink down. He turned to me and his eyes roamed to my lips. I gulp slightly. I bite my lip. His eyes darkened. Ugh, bad move. Boys always think that's sexy.

Although, I did want to kiss him. Did I just think that?

I smash my lips against his. He immediately kissed back. I wrap my arms around his bare tatooed waist. His hands roam over to my hips. He squezzed them, as he kissed me. And, then it got heated. He wrestled his tongue with mine.

He ripped my white tank top off. He got on top of me and kissed my neck. I moan and pull my head back, as he clasped my bra off. He smirked and kissed my lips. I kiss back.


I open my eyes. I groan and rub my eyes. I take in my suroundings. Justin's living room. I was completely naked. Justin was laying on the floor, naked. Although, he looked pretty good.

I blush and quickly grab the cloth that was covering him and got up from the couch. I look at him. His penis was completely exposed. Oh my god. I throw a pillow at his, you know, manhood. He quickly jolted awake.

"What the..." he trailed off. He quickly gets up from the floor and looks at my body and smirks. I roll my eyes and cover myself with the cloth. Where the hell are my clothes?

"Uh.. good morning! I, uh, gotta go. I need to pick up Ella and Ben," I said, scanning the room for my clothes. Justin laughed. I found my clothes, but couldn't find my underwear. "Is this what you're looking for?" I hear Justin's husky voice say behind me.

I whip around and see him holding my black lace underwear and my matching bra. He smirked widely. I glare at him and quickly take the underwear.

I flush and remove the clothes from my body. Justin raised his eyebrows and smirked at me, while checking out my body. I roll my eyes. "Like you haven't seen me naked before."

He laughed, as I wear my clothes. I quickly pull up my jeans and then my underwear and my white tank top. "Um, babe? You didn't wear your bra," said Justin, as I took my car keys from the table. I look up at him.

"I'll collect it later, bye!" I quickly peck his lips and start to walk out the front porch. I super sped to my car and climbed in. Justin waved at me with my bra and smirked. I blush and drive away.

Oh my god. I slept with Justin last night. Oh my god. Wow, it's been a long time, since I've ever gotten laid.

I reach Louise' house. I ring the doorbell multiple times. The door burst open and Louise had Ben in her arms. She smiled brightly and then noticed my hair and then smirked. "You had sex last night, didn't you?! Oh my god! Who was it?!" She asked, frantic. I give her a glare, because Ben was here.

Ben frowned and looked at me. "What's sex, mommy?" He asked. Louise gave me an apologetic smile. I continue glaring at her, as I walk in the house. "It's a bad word, Ben. Never say it again, okay?" He nodded and broke free from Louise and ran down the halls.

I sit on the couch and fix my hair. Louise sits down next to me. "Where's Ella?" I asked. "She's in the bathroom. Okay, first tell me about last night!" Louise exclaimed excitedly. I roll my eyes.

"It was Justin." I answer. Louise let out a shriek of excitement. I frown. "I knew it! I knew it! Yes!" She said and got up. I sigh.

"Whatever. It's going to be very weird now. Anyways, how did you know I got laid last night?" I ask. Louise laughed. "Well, you have sex hair. You're not wearing your bra. And, you're wearing your jeans backwards."

I look at my ripped jeans. Fuck.

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