Chapter 15

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"NO! BENJAMIN, NO!" I scream and super sped to the car. But, I couldn't get near it. It was too much fire. I cough. I turn around and see Margaret lying on the floor, dead. Father super sped to me. I ran to the car. I don't care. I need to save Benjamin.

But, I was pulled back my father. "NO! JUST LET ME SEE HIM! DAD, HE'S DYING!" I scream a horrific sound, as tears spilled from my eyes.

"He is already dead, Elizabeth. I'm sorry, but he is. If you go near the fire, you will basically kill yourself. You are pregnant," said dad. "What are you saying?! He's not dead!" I shout. Dad gives me a pained look. The police came. The fire died out.

"Eliza, please. Just.." said dad, but I didn't stop crying. He's not dead. He can't be.

"Dad, bring the body to the house. Just compell the policeman, or, something," said I. Dad nodded. Then I notice he's crying too. "Elizabeth, Brenda is d-dead," he said. I widen my eyes. Mother is dead?!

"What?! But, how?!" I ask. "Let's get home," he said.


"Are you sure about this?" Dad asked. I nod and wipe my tears. Louise rubbed my shoulder. Amanda was crying silently. Justin had a sad look on his face.

I look at Benjamin. His skin was burned. I sit down beside him and took his hand. He had his green eyes closed. "It's easy. Just let her in your thoughts." I hear dad say behind me. A tear slipped from my eye. I took a deep breath and close my eyes. I let him in my thoughts.

"You made it!" Benjamin kissed me passionately. I kiss back. We pull away for a brief moment. He was looking energetic now. His green eyes... they sparkled. We were in a road. I frown. This road seems to be familiar. Toronto! We kissed and it was our first time.

I smile at him widely. "We're in Toronto!" I exclaim. There were no one around. Just us. Alone.

"Let's dance," I extended my hand. But, Benjamin didn't take it. Tears were filled in his eyes. I sighed and cupped his cheek. "I'm going to die, aren't I?" He said. Tears spilled from my eyes. "I'm sorry, Benjamin. I wish I could heal you. But, the witch took all of my powers. I'm so sorry," I sob quietly. He shook his head. "It's okay. Now, let's dance."

He took my hand and we start swaying away. He spins me around many times. I fall in his arms. He held me by my waist. He looked down at me. "Are you ready for this?" He asked.

"No," I shook my head. A tear slipped from his eye. "Liz, you're going to get into labour nine months later. I want you to never give up and alway love your child. Promise me."

A sob leaves my mouth before I can stop it. "I promise," he hugged me tightly. I hug back. We pull away. He smiled at me. "Justin is a good guy, Liz."

I shook my head. "No. I love you, Benjamin. Justin cheated on me, he doesn't love me." I said. "Look, you'll be alone. And, you'll need some comfort. He can give you." He said. I sigh and nod. Benjamin rufffled my blonde hair.

"I love you, Elizabeth Morrison." I smile back. "I love you too." We kiss each other passionately.

I open my eyes. I look at Benjamin's body. No. I'll try to heal him. Dad touched my shoulder. "Honey, you don't have your powers," he said quietly.

I start sobbing uncontrollably. "Ben. Please, just.." Justin walked over to me and sat down my side. He hugged me tightly. I grip his shirt. "Ben, come back. Please," I cry loudly in Justin's arms.

"Liz, I need you to calm down," said Louise, walking over to me. "How can I calm down, when the worst thing has happened?!" I shout at her. She flinched at my tone. Justin rubbed my shoulder. "Shh. It's going to be okay," he said. Amanda was very quiet. She stared at empty space.

I pull away from Justin and walked to her. "Mands, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault," I said. Amanda looked up at me and stared at me.

"I have to go home." She super sped out of the room. Dad hugged and kissed my forehead. "Let's have dinner."

I sigh and wipe my wet cheeks. "I'm not hungry." With that, I went to my room. I close the door and take off my blood filled clothes. I take a long shower. I just practically sit on the ground, while water fell on my body. Benjamin's dead. He's just... gone. What the hell am I going to do? How am I-? I can't even... they're all dead. Benjamin, Mother, Margaret. Even Margaret. Now, I have just dad.

A knock came in. I wipe my wet cheeks. I grab my towel and wrap it around my body. "It's open," said I. The door opened and Justin came in. He flushed. "Oh, sorry," he said. I tie my bathrobe. I look at him. "Do you need anything?" I sniff and pull my blonde hair in a bun.

"Look, Beth. I'm sorry that Ben died. He didn't deserve any of this," he said, quietly. I sigh. "Justin, Just please. I don't want to talk about him. He's dead. I'm great, okay? You don't have anything to worry about," I plaster on a fake smile. He sighed and then nodded.

"Okay. Well, I brought dinner. You're pregnant. You need to think about your child," he said. I nod. "I'm going to change, so can you please get out?" I say. Justin chuckled and left the bathroom.

I take off my bathrobe and get dressed in tank top and shorts. I walk out of the bathroom. Justin was watching TV. A plate of salad was on the table. I walk to the table and eat the food. Then, I fall asleep.

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