Chapter 6

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The night went well. Justin was super sweet. I went to his house and met his mother, Pattie. She was beautiful and kind. I really like her. Justin then drove me home. We spent the night together. And, it is now 3 pm. Justin left an hour ago. I was now at the living room, watching TV. I was watching America's next top model. Re-runs. Benjamin came over and we were watching together, even though he hated ANTM.

"So, they have to shoot in pitch dark?" Benjamin asked confusedly, as he ate his ice cream. I nod, as I ate mine.

Margaret rushed in, panicked. Me and Benjamin got up, alarmed. "It's father. Somebody shot him." She said, panicked. I gasp and we run to upstairs. We hurry in father's room. Father was screaming. It was horrific, blood coming out of his chest. Mother had a panicked look on her face. I rush to his side. "He was shot with wooden bullets. Vervain grenade." Mother said. I put pressure on his chest. He cried out. I look at Benjamin in panick.

"You have to take out the bullet." He said. I turn to Father. He breathed heavily, sweat trickling down his head. "Hang on." I say and prepare. I claw my nails inside his chest and then my hand. Father screamed horrifically. I search for the bullet in his chest. Blood squirted out of his mouth and chest. I finally find it and wince, as because it is vervain. I pull it out. Dad screamed and then fainted. I throw the bullet to the ground.

"Is he okay?!" Mother asked, frantically, hugging Margaret. I nod and press my hands to the wound. I close my eyes and used my healing magic.

I open my eyes. His wound was healed. I sigh in relief. Mother cried happy tears. Margaret smiled. She brought me bandage and I bandaged the wound. I look at my hands. Filled with blood.

I walk out of the room and go to the washroom. I turn on the tap and wash my hands. I look in the mirror. My thoughts drift to Justin. What will he think of this? Will he accept me? Hell no. What the hell am I saying? Ugh, what the hell am I gonna do? I don't want to be like this anymore. This murderous vampire. I want to be a human again. But, we all know that's impossible. My family won't ever let me a mortal. Mostly, my dad.

"Ugh. I'm such a dissapointment to father." I face palm myself.

"You just saved your father's life, Elizabeth. He's so lucky to have you as a daughter." Benjamin said, walking in the bathroom. "It's rude to invade someone's privacy, Benjamin." I say harshly, crossing my arms. "I could hear your thoughts down the hall." He smiled, walking closer. I sighed and turned around. I look in the mirror. He walked close to me, behind. I could feel his breath on my neck.

"I'm in love with you." He said quietly. My eyes shoot up to look at him. "Ben.." I gasp. "I do." He said. I didn't say anything. What am I supposed to say? I turn around and look at him. We were too close.

"You don't have to say anything, Liz." He cupped my cheek and kissed me softly. I kiss back. Our lips move in a sync. I held his arms, as I kissed his pink lips. We continue kissing. He kissed my jawline and then my neck. I moan. He pinned me to the wall, as he kissed me. He pulled away and kissed my lips again. I put my hands on his neck.

The door burst open, revealing mother. We both pull away. She flushed, embarassed. "Awkaward. Sorry. I just needed some paper towels." She said, quickly. "Yeah. Um, I should leave. Bye, Liz. Bye, Mrs. Morrison." Benjamjn said quickly, embarassed. He left the bathroom.

"Wow." Mother exclaimed. "Yeah. Um, I'm going to go to my room. Love you!" I exclaim and kiss her cheek. I quickky walked to my room. I slam the door and slide down. What the hell just happened?

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