Chapter 3

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"So, what have you been doing nowadays? I don't see you around lately." I say to Justin. "Well, you know. I have taken a new job as an intern, so yeah." He answered. I smile and nod. All the couples walk to the centre of the great hall. We walk also. Music started playing. I put my hand on Justin's shoulder. He put his on my waist. A tingly feeling shot out. I smile and start dancing. Justin had a small smirk on his lips. We dance around the hall.

He spinned me around. I giggle. I fall in his arms. He kissed my lips. I close my eyes and kiss him back. We pull away and change partners. Dad came. I smile. He kissed my forehead. We dance along and again change partners. Devin, Margaret's boyfriend came up. He smiled at me. He's a witch too. He smiled at me. I smiled back and started dancing.

Justin came again next. I smile widely, as I dance with him. The dance ended after a while. "Wanna go somewhere private?" Justin smirked and whispered, as we walked to the bar. I blush."Yeah. Just let me take a shot." The bartender handed us glasses filled with tequilla. "Bottoms up." I say and we chug down the drink. Justin coughed. "Sorry. Don't like alcohol that much." I smile. He's so cute and innocent. I kiss his lips hard. He wrapped his arm around me.

He kissed back. I pull away after a second. "Ok, now, let's get outta here." He chuckled and held my hand. We strode out of the hall. Justin suddenly carried me bridal style. I giggle. He walked to my room. He close the door and locked it. Justin looked around. He threw me to the bed. I chuckled. "Someone's in a rush." I joke. He opened his coat and loosened his tie. "Might as well get to it, huh?" He asked. I sit up and kiss him. I push him to the bed and get on top of him. I kiss him with all my might and rip off his shirt. He looked at me, impressed.

I laugh and kiss his neck. He inhaled sharply. I take off his shirt. I kiss down his chest and stomach. He moaned. I sit up straight. He sat and kissed my neck. He sucked on my sweet spot. I moan and grip his blonde hair. "That's gonna leave a mark." He whispered huskily in my ear. I chuckled.

He zipped off my dress. I take it off. Justin smirked. He toppled me over, so he was on top of me. I bite my lip. His eyes darken and he kissed me hard. I kiss back and roam my hands over his abs. Tattoos inked in them. He kissed down my neck and then my breasts. He took off my bra and kissed me. I kiss back. He squeezed my breasts. I moan in his mouth. He pulled away and sucked it. "Justin." I moan loudly.


"Justin. Please, wake up. It's uni. We can't be late again." I said, putting on my t shirt on, without putting on a bra. I quickly pulled up my shorts. Justin groaned. "Fine." He got up from the bed. "I'll borrow some clothes for you. Wait." I say. He nodded and rubber his eyes.

"Sarah!" I call out the maid, loudly. The door opened, revealing Sarah. "I need you to get me some clothes for Justin." She blushed, when she saw Justin. Justin smiled politely. "Go. Now." I say, jealous. She scurried out of the room. I strode to the desk and started to stuff books in my bag. Justin walked towards me kissed my neck. I smile. I sigh happily. Being with him makes me so happy.

"Justin. It's uni. Please." I beg. He's already turning me on. "Uni, huh? Oh, come on, Liz. You're late. I'm late. We're both late." He whispered in my ear. He wrapped an arm around my waist and threw me to the bed. I blush. He kissed my jawline. I shut my eyes tight. I moan, when he kisses my sweet spot. "You like that, huh?" He whispered. I kiss him hard. He kissed back hard too.

The door burst open, Sarah hurried in with fresh clothes. She looked away when she saw us, hurt. Yeah. That's right, bitch. Justin is mine.

Justin groaned and pulled away from me. I laugh. He kissed my neck. "Not now. Sarah is here." I topple over. Sarah puts the clothes on the couch and leaves. "You're not wearing a bra." Justin said, staring at my chest. I throw a pillow at him. "Don't stare at my boobs." I remark. He laughed. His tanned body was naked. He was wearing only boxer briefs. I hand him the clothes. I look away when he's changing.

"Really? You've seen me naked hundreds of times." He said, as I walked to the desk. "I know, Justin. But, if I see you naked now, I wouldn't be able to control myself. And, we have uni." I say, hanging my bag over my shoulder. "True." He replied. I turn around. He put his t shirt on.

"Let's go." I say. He nodded and we walk out. We walk down the marble stairs and to the dining hall. Father smiled, when he saw us. "Hey, sweetheart. Hey, Justin." He greeted. "Hi, dad." I said, grabbing a banana. "Hey, Mr. Morrison." Justin greeted, grabbing a banana too.

"Hey, there are bacon and eggs." Dad frowned at our breakfast, which was a banana. "No thanks." I answer before Justin. Because, I know, he will eat bacon and eggs. Justin glared at me playfully. "You guys should maintain your appetite." Dad scolded. I eat the banana and give it to dad. "Can you throw it? And, we do maintain our diet. We're an hour late. So yeah." Dad chuckled. Justin smiled, eating the banana.

I take Justin's hand and we hurry out of the room and to the front door. We walk to my car. We climb in and I drive off to uni.

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