Chapter 16

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Justin sipped his drink, as he looked awkwardly at Louise, Jamie and me. I munched on french fries. I look to my right, which was Ben's room. I force back the tears that were forming in my eyes. I exhale and shut my eyes tight. Justin held my hand tightly.

We were now at Louise' house. I check the clock. It read 8:58 pm. "I have to go home," I said, getting up from the couch. I quickly put on my white faux fur coat and grab my bag. The three got up. Louise smiled. "Ok," she hugged me tightly. "Will you be okay?" She said quietly. I let out a low chuckle. "I'll always be okay."

Jamie and I hug. I turn to Justin. He gave me a tiny smile. "Ready to go?" He asked. I nod and we walk down the spiral stairs. We get out of the house and climbed in Justin's car. He started the car and drove off. I turn to look at Justin.

"Justin, I'm sorry. For betraying your trust. You loved me. But, I loved Benjamin," I say quietly. He exhaled. "Loved, Liz? I still love you. I'm always gonna love you," he said. I didn't say anything.

We reached my house. Justin helped me climb out of the car. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow at Ben's funeral," said Justin. I nod and hug him. He hugged back tightly. "Thank you, Justin. For your forgiveness. I wish I could be more like you," said I, pulling away. He smiled and got in the car.

He drove away, speeding down the road. I walk inside the mansion. Maria helped me take my coat and gloves off. She walked away. I walk in the living room. Dad was nowhere to be seen. I frown. "Daya!" I call the maid.

Daya scurried in tne room. "Yes, madam?" She said. "Where's father?" I ask.

"In his room, madam," she replied. I nod and she left the room. I walk up the grand staircase and went to his room. I knock lightly. "Come in," a hushed voice said. I walk in. Dad was seated on the floor. A glass of bourbon on one hand and mother's sweater on the other. Tears were spilling down his face.

It made me cry. "Dad," said I, sitting down next to him. "I'm sorry, Liz. I don't want you to see me like this," he said. I wipe a tear and wrap my arm around his forearm. "We're a family, okay?" I say.

"You know, after your mother, Ella, died. I couldn't go on with my life. I couldn't take care of you properly. I was drowning. And, she saved me. Brenda saved me. And, she's gone now. Dead," he said. A sob leaves my mouth.

He took my hand. "Don't cry, Liz. It's time for revenge. We have lost enough."

"Go and sleep. You have to get up early next morning," he said. I wipe my tears and hug him. He hugged back. "Good night, dad. I love you," I kiss his forehead. He smiled. "I love you too, sweetheart."

I walk to my room and sleep. Just fade away from the sad, broken world.


"Here. I think this dress is fine," said dad, showing me a black long sleeved dress. I nod and he left the room. I get dressed in the dress and brush my knotted hair. I hadn't brused it for two days.

The door opened, revealing dad in a black suit. He smiled slightly. "Ready?" He said. I nod. "Ready."

The day goes on by, guests coming. Dad, Amanda and many others say their speech about Benjamin, mother and Margaret.

The coven of witches from Toronto came. I walk towards them. Cara was talking with them. "Elizabeth!" She hugged me tightly. I hug her back. "Hey, Cara."

"I'm so sorry for your loss, dear. I wish I could help," she said, sadly. I try to smile but can't. "It's fine," I said and walk away. Guests start to leave. Amanda walked toward me. I look at her.

She embraced me warmly. Tears started pooling in my eyes. I sob loudly in her arms. I feel her cry too. "I'm so sorry. This all happened because of me. Please forgive me," I sob uncontrollably in her shoulder. "It's okay. I'm sorry too," Amanda said, crying silently. We pull away after a while.

Louise and Jamie walked up to us. We all hug each other and mourn for our loss.

We wiped our tears. "I love you," I said to Amanda. "Love you too," she leaned her head against my shoulder. I sigh and wrap my arm around her. She sniffed and wiped her tears.

Dad came in the living room, Justin following closely behind. He was dressed in a black suit, just like dad. I pull away from Amanda and walk to them. Dad hugged me warmly. I hug back and look at Justin. He looked changed. A bit older. His blonde hair was neatly done. And, he didn't shave.

I pull away from dad and embrace Justin. He hugged back, wrapping his arms around my waist. We pull away and notice the stares. Justin blushed.

"Well, we have to go," Amanda said, getting up from the couch. Louise and Jamie get up.

I turn to Justin. He smiled. "Bye, Liz," he said. "Bye, J- I mean, Justin," I quickly said. Justin looked away. I always used to call him by that name, when we were in a relationship.

The four leave the house. Dad kissed my forehead and wished me good night. He left for his room. I lit the fire in the fireplace and sat down on the couch. I take my phone from the table.

I check my last voice mails. I scroll down, until I read Benjamin. I gulp. He had left me a mail for our first date. But, it never happened. I tap it with trembling hands. I held the phone close to my ear. "Hey, Liz!" I hear his voice say energetically and my heart breaks.

Tears spill from my dark eyes. "So, now that we're in a relationship, I'm going to take you out on a date. It's a secret. I'm now at my house and not feeling sleepy at all. Thinking about you. And, I know it's late at night. But, I just called to say that I love you." His soft voice said.

"I love you, Liz. Always have and always will. Okay, that was so clichè!" He exclaimed. I let out a small laugh, through my tears.

"I love seeing you smile. It warms my heart. You saved me, Elizabeth. I can't tell you, how much I'm in love with you. You're my home. I love you. I'll see you tomorrow. And, we'll go out the day after. Bye. Love you!" The line gets cut.

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