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A.N For the lucky one to have broken my heart.
I hope you know that I still love you. But if these feelings will still remain when you realise the damage you've done, I won't be so sure. So I guess this could be goodbye; I was foolish to think you would feel the same way.
So then farewell; not to you but to everything I've kept in my heart, the feelings you gifted to me are stronger than the fire I write but colder than the harshest winter wind. You've left me with the feelings of regret, sorrow, anger, distaste and love. But no longer am I the foolish child to have fallen for you, I have learned my lesson and others will learn from my mistakes and you will be forgotten in time, like the love I once had.
So farewell my bittersweet love.

The flames of a thousand suns, golden embers sweeping the air wistfully above the crimson flames

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The flames of a thousand suns, golden embers sweeping the air wistfully above the crimson flames.

Dancing in the dark, casting a warm glow on the cold icy ground, crackling, crazy, hissing and sizzling.

The fire now slowly burning out, the dancing flames now mere echoes; the darkness of the moonless sky swallows the bitter warmth of the flames, drowning them to the flickering cinders, clinging desperately to life.

The remnants of the fire.
The now fading shimmers of the embers a bittersweet reminder of our shallow love; the pain reflecting into the dark skies, soon to be forgotten.

The heart of the flames slowly fading, the beating echoes my own, faint and lifeless. You brought me excitement and joy, hatred and violence.

But most of all you brought me sorrow and death. My dying heart resting in the blackened ashes, soon to be carried away by the gentle wind, long forgotten yet always surrounding, carrying lost whispers of madness, regret, love, wishes, anger, peace and most of all; the solemn reminder of your greedy actions.

A fire was once buried here, now only the remaining flickers remain, just to soon be lost, turning to dust.

With your ungrateful intentions, these feelings will be buried, they will be carried upon your shoulders as a reminder of my struggle.

Let life laugh at you for you deserve it. Let the flames engulf you for once you have entered them, never again will you return.

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