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The rain drops eased the pain in my soul. Even though it all still hurt, it calmed my mind.

It also hid my tears; the streaks running down my cheeks.

I felt lost, broken and empty.

The pain I felt for the people I cared about was strong and although it would feel like a heavy burden to some, it helped me to feel and share the pain of the ones I cared about and how hollow they felt.

I don't know how I could ever comfort them all, but I'm too afraid to be by their sides.

I came across an empty park, the rain drops giving the grass a vivid shine and the metal of the park looked like it was recently painted.

I heard a crunch under my foot. I shifted my boot and saw a shattered piece of glass with my pained expression painted upon it.

The glassy, green eyes reminded me of youth and innocence but the things these eyes had seen tainted the innocence and brought it all to a harsh reality; the pain in them reminding me of all the shit we went through.

I didn't have to get involved, I could've stayed behind, but I chose to stay by your side.

I really can't believe that it's been so long, since we both stood here looking out of this place, toward the city, knowing that it would all come to a shattering end. We were bold but stupid.

"This world is hollow..."
I remember you saying it, almost like a whisper along the branches of the trees.

"We will get out of here."


"I said, WE ARE GONNA GET OUT OF HERE!" I shouted the words, remembering our childish days, when it was okay to be naïve.

But now I knew that we couldn't run away from all our fears and follow what we once held dear and run away from here.

Time is truly hurtful. It runs away and leaves us behind, leaving us to wallow in our sadness.

I felt tired from all that had happened, but I didn't feel right, I didn't think I did a good enough job.

I didn't want to be static and stare at my fractured reflection, I wanted to move away and move everyone on. I always strived to find the best in people in this world than be settled on harsh perceptions.

I walked out into the distant sunset, knowing that whatever naïve thought I had would disappear.

I needed to know that you could run away with me, away from here; I could never leave you behind, especially with this suffering surrounding you.

I know I just stood back and didn't say anything, but I couldn't bring myself to do it! I was too afraid, I felt like the peace of glass, shattered.

But I knew, it was and will always be worse for you. I never, ever wanted to leave you here on your own to suffer ever again.

I promise.

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