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She was a beautiful creature

But her beauty is all that was good about her.

She was a cruel monster

Rampaging the streets

But she stole my heart; she left me breathless

She had a glint in her eyes that showed mystery and lust

She was powerful

She barely uttered a word but her authority was outstanding

She could trample me into the earth; my blood dripping from the luscious lips I longed to hold with my own

She sent shivers down my spine everytime she chased her next unfortunate victim

She slowed down in the streets and gave me a cheeky wink and her auburn hair flew behind her as she sped off with her inhuman speed

She was a murderer

I couldn't forgive her and burn the past

She is a vile creature

Draining some poor person of their blood

The red liquid dripping from her lips as she revelled in the moment enjoying the hunt

She saw me there but didn't kill me because she knows I am like her

Like her I too sapped the life out of them and enjoyed it

We shared the veins and didn't fight

I can tell she has a thing for me much like myself

We both burn with an incredible lust and sometimes I will join her in the hunt and tackle her to the ground

The people on the streets screaming and running away in fear of us

But we just laugh

Nothing more

Nothing less

We could never bring ourselves to sealing our passion for each other

My undead heart burning as she throws sticks at me in anger and hate

I stand and let them embed in my skin

I can't feel any pain other than loss

She needs my love just as much as I need hers

My long silver hair whips around my eyes blocking my view of her

Only she has disappeared to pop up in my face

Her red eyes diluted with tears as she pulls out the sticks from my frozen body

My lips quivering and breathing quicken

Our eyes meet

My soft greens and her dark red

Piercing each other

Our breaths mingle as we lean in until we finally touch

The impact sending sparks through my body healing my wounds

I give her access to my pale neck

Her eyes lock with mine and she leans in and her teeth connect with my skin

I let out a shakey sigh and she relaxes more wrapping her arms around me

The shadows of the trees looming above us casting us into a peaceful darkness

She pulls away and she runs her hand on my cheek

With a whisper she departs once more leaving me here hungrier and full of purpose.

She fuels the fire within me

Setting the hunter in me free

I am nothing more than her trophy

I am her's and she is mine

She is all I need

All I desire

More than blood which I yearn for

With no other thoughts than hunger I too depart with my long silver hair gleaming in the midnight moonlight

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