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My feet trembled and shook as they gently touched the grassy floor.

The forest was dark but not scary.

It would never scare me.

I walked along, past the trees, through the forest in the hazy moonlight.

In the distance the shouts and calls for me echoed, the trees hunching over me, giving me the protection from my hunters.

The forest doesn't need to run from those who threaten it.

They want to make you shake and tremble in fear, their guns echoing as the metal bullets fly past.

I had no interest in the people.

They wouldn't dare disturb the forest.

The forest would protect me, despite the threatening shouts and stampeding feet.

They dare'nt send their horses or their dogs.

Their leader, a ferocious man simply known as the Wizard sought destruction by the use of the flame and his almighty power.

The wind blew through my silver cloak of fur, my ears instinctively twitching and feet lightly trembling along the forest floor, the pads of my paws making no noise and no trace of my whereabouts.

The flash of gold lingered in the distance, the trees cowering.

As the Forest Princess, the Moonlight Wolf, the destroyer of the Wizard's men; they could not harm me without the forest turning on them, killing them slowly.

The Wizard in gold continued shooting his bullets at me, intentionally missing, I wouldn't know.

His yells echoed and the trees shook violently with the words of wanting to be the forest's ruler.

I don't run.

I can't run.

It was in my blood to only run in the face of danger.

I wasn't in danger.

The Wizard could try and kill me but he does not know that I was sent to this place by the Moon Gods.

The haze lowered and obscured the forest, giving me the cover I needed to shred them to pieces.

My nose twitched at a scent which injected fear into my blood, and made me feel tremendous anger at humanity.

They killed a forest child, only a pup.

In the cover of the moon's haze I swept around the trees, sending fear into the men.

When one ran, my teeth sank into his neck, sending fear into the others.

Except for the Wizard.

He was a fearless but ruthless leader, destined to fall by the hatred of his own kind.

I wouldn't go against the wishes of the Moon Gods and the forest king.

After the men were slaughtered and my fur and mouth now bloodied, I turned to face the Wizard.

He was quaking in his boots, the golden robes twitching and his face showing nothing but his eyes held tremendous fear and pleading.

I let the blood of his servants drip from my mouth as I snarled, bearing my sharp dagger like teeth, the blood staining them.

He stepped back cautiously.

I bounded forwards and hit him to the ground, my paw pushing on his chest.

"Return here again and you shall fear the wrath of the Moon."

My voice was a mixture of sharp distaste and anger, the blood splashing onto his face.

He laughed maliciously his face creasing.

"It is our fate for me to kill you, beast. Once human now monster by the powers bestowed by selfish gods who wish to destroy me and my empire."

I lifted my other paw, his face turned upside down in fear, pushing himself into the grassy floor, cowering in fear.

"Let man know that if he ventures into these trees, I will kill them and hang their worthless carcasses from the trees which overlook your monstrosity of an 'empire,' to which you will be torn apart by man and brought to the earth to rot."

My claws ripped at his soft yet rough skin, streaking blood everywhere, his cowardly screams bouncing along the leaves and branches of the trees, reaching to the sky above.

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