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Only people who do recognisable things that appear great get a status in society.

Something will be made for them in memorial or honour.

A statue, for example.

See that man there?
Yes, the one making a speech.
Though many will think he's great, others will disagree.

Someday, he could be recognised as 'great' and he might do something like build a hospital or found a city.

He will be given something in return.





A statue will be erected of this 'great' man.

As time wears on, the statue will change; people will look after it, people will spit on it, birds will take a shit all over it, rain will pour over it and somebody might decide to put a traffic cone on the head.

One day, there will be a time when everyone will realise how terrible this man was and then when the revolution arrives, the statue will be torn apart and will fall to the ground and only unrecognisable shatters will remain.

But what about the woman?

The one who doesn't shout her views across others or does things evil?


She won't get the same recognition.

It is wrong.

This world must change.

Stop giving recognition and the fancy marble statues to the pompous, purple faced, old men!

Stop giving it all to the people who never deserved it!

Stop giving it all to the people who had their recognition once before!

This world is moving on, the times are changing, opinions are beginning to change, the views on the world are beginning to change.

And with change comes either brilliance or destruction.

Give the people who deserve it the most a chance.

If we don't give people a chance, when will we know when to give anybody a chance?

Just because women in the past didn't get enough recognition doesn't mean we still have to live that way.

Women didn't get the recognition because they were believed to be subservient to men, some still believe they still are today.

You are wrong.

Give the people that deserve a chance the right to obtain one!

Let them recieve their recognition!

Let statues be built upon our soil in their honour!

Let the world know that we all deserve a chance, no matter who we are and what are values are. Everyone deserves their rights and let them speak up!

Don't turn your back.

Never look to the past, look to the future, follow the path that your mind gives you, don't let other people or the past determine your life.

So I say this now; let our words be spoken! Let our thoughts be heard! Let our footsteps be our own! Let us be who we want to be!

Don't ever submit to society's views and values! Be your own person and be proud of who you are and who you want to be!

Lest you will be taught these words through suffering, pain and destruction.

Let us all become our own statues, give us all the freedom to become us, take us all into each other's arms, make us all bear the choices of equal people, allow us all to follow the footsteps of the freedom in our hearts.

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