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I felt almost dead inside, my body burning and unresponsive.

It's quiet here without you.
It's empty here without you.
It's cold here without you.
It's painful here without you.

I long for you,
I need you,
I cry out just to see you again.

Although I cannot see inside this dark place, even though I can't hear inside this closed off place, even though I can't do anything, wherever this place is, all I do is think of freedom and being reunited with you.

It's so lonely, but I see everything, everyone.

I need to change.

I need to move on.

You're gone now.

I need to become the butterfly, breaking out from its chrysalis, I need a metamorphosis, I need to change and move on from you.

I need to break free from the eternal grip you hold me in.

What will it take for you to let go?

A crime?
If I burnt?
If I broke?
An affair?
A fall?
Finding a replacement?

Why can't you leave me?
Why can't I move on from myself?
I need to change for better, for worse.

You're gone now,
Lone gone.
Years it has been since you were last here.

Your last moments were short.

But I'm glad it happened.

I'm thankful for that car.
Truly am.

Now that you're dead, you should leave me, I have no regrets and neither should you.

We both need to move on, we both need our liberation.

We both need.

A metamorphism

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