•Chapter 1•

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~Chapter 1: Intro~
«S E O L»

Everyday was exactly the same. Waking up to the sound of death metal music, showering with boiling hot water, and then drinking a drop of animal's blood to survive the day. We vampires and humans have agreed to use an alternative for blood. We agreed to animal blood. But; many of the human population do not know that we exist.

Since the people who know about us existing find us life-threatening, we all have disguise names to blend into the human world. Mine is (in my opinion), really weird: Phoenix Blackheart.

My uniform is a navy blue long sleeved shirt and a flannel skirt. I don't like bright colours that much to be honest. The school uniform is the perfect amount of colour to wear.

I leave the house bowing towards my mother and father. Today they didn't have any business in the underworld, so they are here in the house.

I am an only child, so I don't really talk to anybody. When somebody wants to talk to me, I mostly use sign language and try not to talk. It's not like I'm lazy or anything, I just don't like human beings. They have such weird traditions.

As a vampire-demon, my heart doesn't beat. Same goes for other supernatural beings, but mine is a little different. One side of my heart is black and the other is red. My mother is a vampire while my father is a demon. That explains why I have more unique powers than others.

Everything inside my room is white, except for my wardrobe, which is black. All the clothes I wear are either black, grey, or white. Enough of that, let's go on to school.

I go to school by riding a black car, which is apparently expensive.

The hardest part is to avoid eye contact when I arrive at school. I don't need friends. Why do human beings have friends? Is it compulsory to have them? Every time I step out of my car, I get stared at, but I eventually got used to it.

I hear people whispering, well actually, more like gossiping about me.

"Ugh. It's that creepy girl again."

"We shouldn't talk to her."

"Did she dye her hair to boast about it?"

"What is up with her skin?"

"Does she have a disease?"

All those things they say are what I hear everyday. I silently curled my fist and rested them on the side of my thighs, hoping nobody notices. As always, I walk to class alone, and I'm always the first one there. Dark, peaceful and quiet. Perfect. Time to take a nap.

My seat is next to the window, where I can look out to escape reality. The lights in the classroom were still off and nobody was there. My face was facing the window while sleeping, so I couldn't see who was coming in.

My ears perked up as I heard somebody whispering from I assume; the doorway. It was obvious it was two guys.

"Who is that girl?"


• Author's Note: Sorry for the extremely short chapter, I know, it's crazy, to write three stories at the same time. It's not like anybody reads my stories anyways lol. I decided to try something different, like a supernatural story.

EDIT: 16 December, 2016

I've noticed that a lot of people have been reading my 1st chapter and not reading the 2nd one.

At the beginning chapters, my writing style is different and less organised. As it gets deeper into the story, I have improved my writing style and make it more organised. The beginning chapters are so cringy (like seriously, sooooo cringy) so yeah.

Please continue reading my story. Thank you~

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