» Liam Payne {P4} «

Start from the beginning

He handed the laptop to Niall and asked, "Can you pull up the site?" Niall bit his lip and opened it up setting it on the table as he pulled up Google Chrome and then typed in the website for Syco.

He pulled up Liam's page and clicked on the video. He paused it so they wouldn't have to watch it.

They already agreed that would be really weird. Niall's mouth dropped and so did Liam's as they saw the votes.

There was only 3 thumbs down but there were thousands and thousands of thumbs up. Niall looked through the comments and he laughed at the one and read it out loud to Liam, "The new guy's really hot and a great bottom."

His cheeks flushed red and he shook his head, grinning. Liam smiled and wrapped his arms around Niall's shoulders before walking away to talk to the people from Syco.

Niall was looking some more through the comments before he stopped. Everyone's sites had an "Upcoming videos" list and Niall's heart dropped as he saw that next week, Liam was doing a shoot with the new guy, Josh.

He felt tears come to his eyes but he hastily wiped them away because why should he be crying over this? Liam was a porn star, this was bound to happen.

Plus, Liam wasn't his; and that was a fact he just now accepted with a broken heart. He slowly closed the laptop and clenched his jaw as he heard Liam call his name and then come running into the kitchen.

"Ni! They want to meet with you and have you sign a contract for two years with them and they want to speak about your pay, about how much you'll be..", Liam trailed off when Niall looked up. He saw Niall's face full of anger and he was utterly confused because what on earth did he do?

Niall slowly stood up, "I think I should go..." Liam watched Niall walk out of the kitchen and just stood there for a second before darting after him.

He got there just as Niall was opening the door. He pushed himself against it, blocking the door as Niall looked at him, surprised and then angry, "I want to leave."

Liam sighed, reaching for Niall's hand and was hurt when Niall stepped back, just out of his reach. Liam pushed the feeling away and asked, "Why are you leaving? Niall, what did I do?"

Niall shook his head and glared at him, "You accepted an offer to work with Josh?" Liam furrowed his eyebrows because why was Niall so mad about this?

He shrugged and bit his lip, "Well.. Yeah.. I've been in the business for 3 years and they wanted someone with more experience to help him with his first video so I accepted." Niall shook his head and let out a bitter laugh, "This is what I get."

He meant this is what he gets for falling in love with a porn star but of course, Liam didn't know that so he asked, "What?" Niall shook his head and huffed, "Why are you doing it with him? Why couldn't they get Zayn or something?"

Liam raised an eyebrow, "What's so wrong with me doing this? It's not like we're dating." Niall froze and he swallowed thickly, nodding his head.

Sure, he accepted it earlier, but now that Liam verbally said it, it was like a swift punch to the stomach. He cleared his throat and smiled through the tears in his eyes, "You're right. We're not. I'm just someone you fuck around with and take on dates, right? Just your little sex toy."

Liam realized he said that wrong thing and he shook his head frantically, "Niall, no–" "Save it!", Niall cut him off with a glare before saying, "I want to leave and I want you to never speak to me again. Whatever is going on between us.. it's done."

Niall knew he was going to regret this but really, he was hurt right now and all he wanted to do was go home and cry; and that was what he was planning on. Liam felt an ache in his heart as Niall shoved him aside and left his apartment.

He flinched as the door slammed and he stood there for a good 5 minutes before he sighed and rubbed his eyes. He furrowed his eyebrows when he brought his hands back and they were wet. He hadn't even realized he was crying.

He knew he should've asked Niall out when he had the chance and now he regrets ever accepting the offer to help Josh with his first shoot. Now, Niall is out of his life and there is nothing he can do about it.

Niall woke up the next morning with dried up tear tracks on his cheeks and he sighed, running a hand through his hair. He checked his phone and saw a text from Zayn Malik, 'Hey mate, it's Zayn Malik. Syco gave me your number so that I could ask if you're up for a shoot tomorrow? I think you're really good and you're cute, so that's a plus'.

Niall was about to just exit out of it and not reply because he didn't want to. He didn't want to do any shoots with anyone but Liam.

Then, he realized that Liam's shoot with Josh was tomorrow and it fueled his anger and he automatically replied 'Sure. I'd love to. ;)'. He immediately got a response 'Great ;) I'll see you tomorrow, babe.'

Niall put his phone down and immediately felt sick. How could he do this?

He got up after half an hour of just laying there and was about to go into the bathroom when he heard his phone going off. He looked and saw it was Liam.

He hesitated but answered it and before he got to say anything, Liam was shouting, "You're such a fucking hypocrite!" Niall pulled the phone away from his ear and blinked before bringing it back, "No need to shout. I can hear. And why, may I ask, am I a hypocrite?"

Liam laughed bitterly and sneered, "Because you just accepted an offer with Zayn. It's on his page. I can't BELIEVE you. First, you get mad at me for accepting an offer to help Josh. Then YOU go and accept an offer to do one with Zayn?" It was Niall's turn to laugh bitterly before he said, "See. Zayn asked me directly. He wasn't asked by Syco, he asked me himself."

Liam froze and he knew he would regret his next words as he growled out, "You're a fucking fame whore, you know that? Is that why you slept with me? Is that why you acted like you wanted to be around me? You're such a fucking slut!" Niall's eyes filled with tears that were quickly falling down.

He sniffled and wiped them away with his free hand, his heart breaking. He swallowed thickly before he choked out, "Yup, that's exactly what I am. I'm a slut. Happy now?"

Liam's breath hitched at the obvious tears in Niall's voice and he whispered, "Ni.." Niall shook his head, "No. Just.. Goodbye, Liam."

He hung up and set the phone down before curling into a ball as he laid down, crying into his pillow. He would convince Liam that he wasn't those things and he would explain his reasons, but that would mean he would have to admit his feelings.

He wasn't exactly ready for that; plus, he was never good with rejection because he was sure Liam didn't feel the same. He heard his phone going off with a text and he sighed, thinking it was Liam.

He opened it up and was shocked to see it was Zayn 'I was thinking, maybe we could go out for dinner tonight? Get to know each other a little better :) I could pick you up around.. Say 7?x' Niall typed out his reply 'I'd love that. 7 sounds great xx'

He hesitated over the 'send' button, thinking about Liam. What would he think? Oh yeah, that's right, Niall's a fame whore.

He regretfully pressed 'send' and laid back in bed for a bit more; and if he cried over the fact that this was Zayn and not Liam going on this date with him, well, that was his own business.


Oh, my poor Niam heart :(((

I hope they get over this rough bump in the road soon...

Anywho...if you want to follow me on other social media apps...

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And follow me on here to get the full story!!

Love you guys 💕


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